Sokushi Cheat ga Saikyou Sugite, Isekai no Yatsura ga Marude Aite ni Naranai n desu ga

Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
My point was that once objective reality has been perceived by a person a lot of it will become subjective in their mind whether they like it or not, I mean obviously we can both agree that we saw what we saw, but when we try to agree on its meaning is where things tend to get muddy.
Eh that would only really be the case if both of us had solidified viewpoints. You may do, but I actually don't. And I wasn't actually trying to agree on a specific meaning with you either. Rather, I was trying to figure out what exactly your observation is based on in the first place.
It's more like we're two dudes standing next to each other when you suddenly go: "There is something in the sky!" And I'm like: "Where?" Then you start wildly gesturing about without actually giving me directions accurate enough that I could decide whether there actually is something, or whether you've been smoking the cheap shit again. /o/

Fiction, in general, is art, so my best advice would be to get used to the clusterfuck of interpretations. I mean, If we were talking about something like engineering where objective reality was the name of the game then I would agree wholeheartedly.
Not quite relevant in this context. The problem is that you were giving me images as a response, instead of a clearly phrased sentence.

The only way we could achieve "the true true" would be if the author/artist told us, and even then the word of god is debatable with art. The truth is a very nebulous concept with things like art, unlike science.
Again, I wasn't really looking for the true true. To begin with, we'd need way more people than just the two of us to be able to design a definition that could be considered objective by any reasonable standards. No, what I've been trying to figure out is what precisely your individual observation is actually based on. And only after that would I have the theoretical means to, at least for myself, decide who is likely to be closer to the truth. \o\

But yeah, past tense. I think this little exchange gave me more or less what I needed, already. Although it didn't really give me the where, I think I got the why.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

Nah, this is all my fault, I feel bad now, and I apologize, I got way too into our convo about subjectivity and objectivity and wasted both our time.

So if I point out concrete areas in the material and state which parts gave me the impression that his morals are inconsistent, we'll be golden right? I'll do my best:

1. He felt some boob which prompted the thought that a man is supposed to protect girls, so he does.

2. He discovers the trio, decides to get some info, supplies, and money off them, and then kills them for abandoning everyone, and to avoid future problems.

3. Says that he wants to protect her and values her opinion.

4. Monologues that he doesn't want to kill everyone if possible, and that leaving someone that just attacked them alone is unwise.

5. Tells the guy that he doesn't want to kill him, and then sends him into a forest of almost certain death.

6. Says he wouldn't mind being betrayed by her since he chose to trust her in the first place, and lets out that her boobs felt nice so he protects her.

7. Claims he wouldn't kill anyone for no reason after killing a gang of thieves and then chastises the lying beast girl for mugging, stealing and killing.

8. Says he doesn't like to torment people on purpose after having partially killed them.

9. The head thief begs for his life claiming such cruelty was the only way to survive, and that they're both Japanese, the MC responds by saying don't compare me to you and finishing him off.

I'll be honest here, he is a complete and utter hypocrite in my eyes, his justifications seem to just fall outta the fuckin' sky and that cheapens them to me, if you're an evil MC embrace it, revel in the evil you commit for the sake of your goals, if you're an anti-hero MC convince me the ends justify the means, show me how it makes you feel when unnecessary sacrifices are made.

How can his morality be consistent with itself or taken seriously when his justifications seem to be pumped out on-demand.

These are my honest feelings on the MC, but I still enjoy the manga itself.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Golden we are. /o/

And yeah, it's more or less what I guessed.
1. I'd rather say that's unrelated. His meaning seemed to be more along the lines of: "If this was a movie, I guess this is the part where the man would decide to protect the girl?" He seemed to be making fun of how the entire situation came together.
2. Context is a bit important here. Remember, he was planning to kill them from the get go. It was his dear classmate that stopped him. So he decided he might as well get some resources off of them while he's at it. I mean it's free shit at that point, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. I don't really see the problem here. He explains his relationship with her while also assuring her that he views her as an equal. And him valuing her opinion is why he let her stop him (on the previous point) in the first place.
4. He says that he doesn't want to start killing unrelated people willy-nilly. But also acknowledges that leaving people that have already established a hostile relationship with him unwise.
5. He didn't lie. He didn't kill him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. He's saying he wouldn't have anyone but himself to blame. As he is the one who chose to trust her in the first place. It would merely be the consequence of his own decision.
7. Again, context is important. First, the part of him saying that he doesn't kill people for no reason happened before their mugging/abduction attempt. Second, again, he didn't lie. I'd say them attempting to mug/abduct/kill them was plenty reason to counter-kill them. Thirdly, he's chastising her for using her poor family as a justification to rob and sell people.
8. Again with the context. For one, he made that assertion only after attempting to figure out whether he could use his ability without killing the target completely. But since it didn't work too well and he doesn't really have a thing for making people randomly suffer, he decided to avoid using this method in the future.
9. This one actually made me chuckle after looking at it again. Something about the way he just bluntly went "die" almost if the author couldn't even be arsed to come up with a proper rebuttal... but I digress. Okay, simply put, he's saying that their shared nationality isn't enough of a reason for him to not kill him. And that he wouldn't stoop to acquiring a criminal record for mere everyday survival. Although, technically, the last part remains to be seen.

All things considered, I'd probably label him as borderline autistic loli blunt/straightforward, if anything.

Also, no worries.
Or rather, I didn't actually feel like my time was wasted.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Carnage Awesome Possum!

That's good, at least my indirect verbal flailing had some kind of inane purpose.
I understand the context and reasoning behind what he says and does in each individual case, but when I consider it as a whole his position appears to be completely situational, hopefully, the author will further define his core logic in later chapters, then maybe he'll seem less random to me.
Double-page supporter
Mar 12, 2018
This artist really needs to improve his background art or maybe its just the quality of the scans.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 4, 2018
First chapter was going great but they just have to fuck it up with that cheat skill. Instant kill? Really? And counter aura kill? Trash.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I wish they didn't take our ability to delete posts away, now I have to bear the shame of having flooded the comment it's a good thing I'm a shameless bastard! (most of the time)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Is she going to hunt him down, just so he might be able to kill her?
May 10, 2018
>TL: Saku
Any chance for Saku to continue translating the novel? The other translation is really unreadable at times.
Apr 1, 2018
Not sure that anybody would care, but for the few ones who would, here are the missing translated titles:
[ul]ch. 2: "Because your boobs were soft"
ch. 3: "Jerks are almost all Japanese"
ch. 4: "My guardian spirit is the strongest, so even the other world is a piece of cake"
ch. 5: "Such as Oda Nobunaga or Sanyuutei Enchou"[/ul]
(title seems to quote some punchline from the corresponding chapter).
(thanks to g**gle translate for giving some hints)
Jun 5, 2018
@gaigous if this follows the novel, your concerns about his morality will be explained eventually.
He didn't gain the power in the new world, he always had it.
An individual with that kind of god like power will have a significantly different perspective than normal people.
Tomochika functions as a kind of sound board for his morality, which is how you end up learning more about him eventually.
It's my opinion you're supposed to be a little confused by it at first.

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