Im quite curious why there are no redheads in this manhwa. I mean we get black haired, blond haires and brown haired. It would be very nice to get someone red haired... Its not like im red head but its my sense of compassion for them
@ivanov_2020 Its kind of been jumping around all over the place since the end of the Jeju Island arc with the arc not really even ending properly. Really weird since it seemed like they were actually stretching and adding to the story before.
LOL its not like a harem that follows him on his adventures... Just more fan girls
There's that one girl who's around his sister's age
That healer girl from the first arc
That s-rank lady
So I was like... Another lady mean another one in the fan girls??
@unime The healer from the first arc doesnt even really count, the friend of his sister maybe and the s-rank lady sure, but harem, no idea where that comes from... i guess even a single girl is a harem now... XDDD
I mean, he hasnt even shown any interest at this point in the story...
On what chapter of novel are we?
I didnt saved bookmark, when I stopped reading after jeju island arc to let translation go up and want to catch up again.