@UltraRob The US killing hundreds of thousands of civilians yet there relatively little animosity today between Japan and the USA. Virtually every nation in the world has committed some terrible atrocity in the past it seems ridiculous to villanize characters or make them lose because of something done in the past in real life especially when the characters wouldn't even have been alive then to do anything about it. + this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:South_Korean_war_crimes
@Lord_Hentai you get used to the obligatory "fuck Japan" parts of Korean stuff after you read a couple, it's like putting at least one of these arcs in is mandatory for a Korean story otherwise their gestapo will bag the author.
The reason they give in the novel is that Jin Woo comes after watching the livestream that has a ten minute delay to allow the director to cut or change the feed if things go wrong (just as it happens here).
I call bs though as he obviously has a shadow parked with the S-class heroes that should be able to transmit what happens instantly.
@Lord_Hentai They already extremely cut down on the anti-japanese propaganda in this arc for the manhwa.
In the novel the raid was a ploy by the Japanese to get the Korean S-ranks killed so Korea would be completely at the mercy of Japan and their hunters in the future.
Here it is just Goto striving for glory and the nation hunter title which I like a lot more because it is somewhat relatable and doesn't instantly make him look like an ass.
Boss ant seems kinda op, I mean to the point that Im wondering if even MC is going to be able to defeat it... speaking of MC where the heck is he? His GF is going to kick the bucket and the guy is just twiddling his thumbs somewhere.