Is this series over-rated? Yes. Does that mean it is bad? No. Its a decent read, but it doesn't live up to the hype. Its nothing to go head over heels for, nor is it the best real "life turns into game/dungeon" series. But its an okay read. The arts not bad, neither is the story. It doesn't pull any surprises (because lets face it, the MC in these always have plot armor). Its basically what you would expect. The only bad part is every other character other than the MC. Not that they are bad characters, but they don't leave any impact, aren't given any real depth. There's also a crappy romance miniplot, but its kinda expected with these kinds of series.
Since there aren't any side characters that actually add to the story, its one of those series, where if you don't like the MC, you should probably stop, because side characters dont really matter, nor are they given much importance, depth, or screen time. So its a hit or miss based on the MC. Any life or death suspense would have to rely only on the side character's survival (which, well isn't that suspenseful if you don't care about them, which you probably won't). Not to mention, the MC will never "Die" because he's the MC and has plot armor and thus any life or death fights the MC gets into don't have any real suspense, beyond how is he going to luck/power up out of it (which is what it turns into in the end).
As for the MC himself, he is supposed to be a necromancer, but he basically solo fights most things, and is ultra-melee focus. So it doesn't really do Necro' jobs pretty well since he basically has no class weakness, thus being OP for obvious reasons. As for his personality... he's a slightly edgy - never give up - kinda guy. He's basically like the korean necromancer version of Kei Kurono from Gantz, where his real character trait is "survival from death". I don't have much other impressions of him, since well... he doesn't really have that dynamic of a personality. He's basically an average person.
Don't expect anything too grand or epic from the high ratings, and you'll like this series fine. My personal rating is 7/10. Also, the web novel version is fully translated, so give that a go too.