Solo Leveling

Jul 13, 2018
@fhq I don't think the protagonist is smug, but it's true that we basically skipped over his entire road to S-rank. He didn't really have to work for anything, and it seems like the system plays no role in the story other than to give him a leg up over everybody else. I'm inclined to believe that we only saw parts of the MC's grind at all because the author felt as if he needed to justify the MC's sudden shift from wide-eyed, baby-faced newbie to badass, physically disproportionate king of battle. He's one of those people who didn't particularly need or deserve more power, because individuals irl with less fortunate situations have managed to dig themselves out of their social and financial holes without superpowers.
Nothing's mentioned of where the monsters and dungeons come from, or why they're appearing on Earth. I think most people are anticipating that some of these questions will be answered during whichever arc involves the battle with those ants on an island. The situation surrounding hunters is also rather fuzzy; the various known guilds are equivalent in military might to the Korean government if they band together, apparently. Why is this the case?
There were no mentions of the Korean government having employed any hunters, so how would they deal with assaults led by S or A-rank hunters? You can't just detonate missiles in the middle of a city to kill someone who can't be injured by bullets. It doesn't make any sense that law & order has not collapsed in at least several nations after the first awakening event. There are countries in the world today that are one step away from total anarchy, despite the obvious lack of any super-powered individuals among the ranks of insurgents.

TL;DR the plot is kinda hot garbage but y'all are still reading so it doesn't really matter I guess
Mar 6, 2019
Finally more interestin shit. Woo, now I have to wait another fucking week. But I dont mind.
Nov 28, 2018
@WizTaku even though the novel is finished that doesn't mean that there won't be a second novel, does it ? I mean, at least i hope so. These gorgeous draws and interesting plot make this series at least a Tier 1/2 manga.
The plot+draws are way better than Tower of God for example, which is pretty cool itself and is considered one of the best manhwa.
Jan 14, 2019
@dewq The story is finished, why would he milk it? There is nothing to add to the story except random stuff


Mar 23, 2018
My issue is that his smugness is undeserved, not necessarily at this exact moment. I understand the greater implications of accepting the guild invite.

He's never earned any of what he has and was simply given the greatest deus ex in their universe. I get that they still have do a little more world-building but how much more could they add to legitimize and validate their weird narrative? I don't think its salvageable. It honestly breaks the suspension of disbelief when your main character breaks the most basic rules inclined to the universe (that they can't progress from their original power level) among other rules.

Yeah, I try not to apply too much real world logic to it such as politics, logistics, or economics, just because it really doesn't make any sense the moment you do. However, it is really odd that the S-rank hunters can just run rampant whenever they want and no laws or rules apply in the grander scheme. At which point, you really do have to wonder why don't they just fuck Korea up and enslave the populace instead of this juggling of power dynamics, etc?

Admittedly, a lot of action manhwas have the exact same elements in that the main character is smug as fuck and he gets gifted insurmountable powers. Even if the entirety of the grind isn't shown, the rate of his growth is just too much.


Feb 19, 2018
@outsiderice it is because Kakaopage made a DMCA claim if you look at their website

Meriakiscans had it before but stopped because of the DMCA request to take down their scans and translations
Active member
Nov 3, 2018
Jesus christ I hope Kakaopage eats a dick. I would be perfectly fine with it if there was an official translation, but there isn't. So now they've just lost anyone who was reading this.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 25, 2018
wtf is going on?
Aug 23, 2018
For fucks sake after the DMC merakis gone to shit and now the other dudes got hit too. Why won't they just sell an official translation then?
Yeah I get it watching "pirated" content is bad and whatnot but it's not like I can actually go out and buy them.
Kinda like [Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o] which got picked up by some off-site team and now they disbanded I can't even fckin buy a Japanese version of the manga because fuck me I'm not in Japan so my money is toiletpaper... off topic I know but if anyone knows a site where I can get chapter 22 of the above mentioned manga contact me.

Fuck every manga artist and publisher that complains about overwork for no pay when they aren't even willing to take my money for the moonrune version let alone a translated one.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
I'm amazed how many people the April 1st DMCA notice gets. If you really need someone to spoil the fun, check their homepage's source, the image is hosted on jaimini's wordpress and it even has a little "lol" tag along with it.

Just wait a day and all the memes will be over.
Aug 23, 2018
Still my general rage towards them being unwilling to even sell a moonrune copy of stuff is justified even if this specific translation group didn't get hit...

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