The whole time travel thing in the end. This is really, REALLY stupid. Why do we have to go back in time? To save people that the MC couldn't and to stop deaths that happened because of magic? This is the most inane and confusing reason to literally "reset the world". The MC never talked to ANYONE about it and it's never even MENTIONED that someone from the cast would go back in time and change something if they could. What about the other characters? How would they feel? Perhaps their decisions made them who they were and they wouldn't trade that for anything. Maybe their lives are made exponentially worse by taking away their agency and ability to decide things for themselves. The MC turns down the ability to be a God to instead be a God and take away free will (in more ways than one). Why make this decision in the writing room? It removes any and all struggle up to that point, and ruins the entire feeling of the story. How can a reader relate to this and this choice? Even Superman is just a MAN. He has limitations and he cannot be everywhere at once/save everyone. He has to make hard decisions and it weighs upon him, even with his strength. Superman sucks as a character and they got that right. The time travel thing is a waste. A tremendous waste.
Dude, I don't know what it is, but Koreans CANNOT write a love interest or a romance to save their freaking lives. Every. Single. Korean comic I have ever read has the most cringe, bland, surface level, and forced romance arc. It's like they know stories are supposed to have them, but they have no experience with it first hand. Is Korea just a country of incels? Do Korean men not talk to women? AT ALL? The "love interest" in this comic is hilariously forced. The characters have next to ZERO interaction outside of maybe FIVE scenes in a 200 chapter comic, there is absolutely no reason to be attracted to one another, and 97% of the time, they spend apart and the MC isn't shown to be musing/thinking about her. She has no reason to stick around or like him outside of him being the MC and he doesn't smell (do Korean men stink or something?). He is overly cold to her, showing no intimacy or interest, but the story needs romance, so, here you go. They tried to tease the healer in the beginning to be a love interest (which she at least had a reason to like him because they spent prolonged time together), but then she just leaves the city, never to be thought about or spoken of ever again.
Mana stones as a source of energy/solution to renewable energy is brought up like TWICE, and never talked about again. Then, it turns out that the Eternal Slumber syndrome is caused by mana sensitive people being overwhelmed by the mana they encounter. Aaaaaaannnd it's never talked about again. This could have been an interesting plot point and I thought they would have written more about it, but nah. Can't do that.
I get the premise of the comic. A power fantasy mixed in with MMO garbage. But dude. When you have overpowered characters like this, it's really, REALLY hard to care about them or their struggles. Never once was the MC in danger in a tension filled struggle. You ALWAYS knew he was just going to win. It's really lame. You know what makes a good story? Realistic stakes and actual struggle against adversity. I didn't even care about the MC half way through. I was more interested in the side characters (like the "love interest") who could be in actual peril. But that's trashed because the MC has to be so overpowered that he does it all himself and everyone else just sits back and is forgotten about. It's generic and 2 dimensional story writing that is incredibly basic. There is no fleshing out. Halfway through I couldn't even tell you the MC's motivation outside of "I wanna level up because WoW is cool, lol". That's bad. And it's worse that it's one of his actual base motivations.
None of the characters have any presence to bother remembering their names. I didn't even know the MC had a father who was a hunter until like 2/3rd's of the way through. You'd think that would be something to focus on, considering how pivotal it becomes at the end. Or what about the demon noble that helped out the MC in the instance? Never to be thought about or spoken of EVER AGAIN. Even though she was smitten with the MC (like every other woman on the planet, I guess), he doesn't even register her a thought. Or, what about the woman that helps them FOUND THEIR OWN GUILD? The A/B rank model? Remember her? For that SINGLE CHAPTER? Why did she even exist? She served no purpose outside of a single throwaway blushing scene from the "love interest".
The landscapes and how they're drawn is ... really bad. You cannot tell the difference between Seoul, Shinjuku, or Washington D.C. Do the artists know that these places are different and in different countries? That they have different looks and feels and landmarks? That they could easily go to and literally look up what these cities look like? It's all the same metro skyline with the same skyscrapers, and the same destroyed buildings. This isn't a comic specific issue, this is a Korean comic problem. They don't want to draw unique backgrounds or cities (speeds things up, I guess), and that works against the art. They should have spent more time on the art, that way they would have had more time to consider the story arcs and where the plot should have gone.