Chapter 47 spoiler:
Finally let's goooo..
My experience tells me that I should let it sit until I see a chapter with unusual amount of comments. That's when stuff happens.Nothing is going to happen until I see it drawn out. Still want to know what is the secrecy behind Shizuku because getting blue balled repeatedly is not the way. Thanks for the translations.
If you don't do this, I’ll really hit you.
Riku's self-control seems to be at its limit, so I'll cast my vote for doing it.
But I'm really worried about what happens afterward.
話数を重ねるごとに雫の抱えている問題のハードルが上がる。リクも雫もお互いにここまで相思相愛なのに付き合えんのはやっぱり不自然。よほど の理由じゃないと読者もリクも納得しない。
As the episodes progress, the hurdles of the issues Shizuku faces become higher. It's still unnatural that Riku and Shizuku, who are so clearly in love with each other, aren’t dating. Unless there’s a really compelling reason, neither the readers nor Riku will be convinced.
If I were to write my impressions of this episode without thinking too much, it would come down to this one phrase: It was sexual throughout.
Don’t do something as pathetic as canceling because you're not feeling well and saying we’ll do it another time or getting a call.
さすがにそろそろ雫の事情を少し開示しないとハードルだけどんどん上がっていかないか...? これよっぽどな理由じゃないと読者は納得できんぞ?
At this point, shouldn’t we start revealing a bit about Shizuku’s situation? Otherwise, won’t the hurdles just keep increasing...? Unless there’s a really compelling reason, the readers won’t be convinced, right?
I cast my vote for the idea that the reason Shizuku’s secret can’t be revealed has been dragged out unnecessarily, raising the hurdles for readers and putting the author in a difficult position.
やるんだな!? 今! ここで!
You're going to do it, right!? Now! Right here!
If you don’t do it after this, I’ll really get mad, you know?
最悪の展開は、ヤろうとするとやっぱり雫の具合が悪くなって出来ず。朝になったら雫が消えてる。結局ヤラず、秘密も明かされず。残念でした! ベロベロベー!
The worst scenario would be trying to do it, but Shizuku ends up feeling unwell and it doesn’t happen. By morning, Shizuku has disappeared. In the end, nothing happens and the secret isn’t revealed. What a shame! Wah-wah-wah!
What I thought this time:
'Don’t just go with the flow; make sure to use protection properly.'
この作品で悪い奴、雫だけでしょ。浮気女で、主人公誘惑しまくって、ひとりで人間関係を一切合切破壊しようとしてる。謎とか事情とか言ってる けどそれも読者が勝手に言ってるだけだし。擁護のしようがない悪女なんだけど、作者これどうすんの
In this work, the only bad character is Shizuku. She’s an unfaithful woman, constantly seducing the protagonist and trying to destroy all the relationships on her own. They talk about mysteries or circumstances, but that’s just something readers are speculating about. She’s a villain with no way to defend her actions—what is the author going to do about this?
服を脱ぐことすらできないのに風呂に放置し、上がって来てなくても心配しないところを見るとリクは雫を好きな訳ではないんだな。身体に欲情し てるだけなら素直にヤレばいいのに。
Even though she can't take off her clothes, leaving her in the bath and not worrying if she doesn’t come out, it shows that Riku doesn’t really like Shizuku. If he’s just lusting after her body, he should be honest about it and just go for it.
It’s okay to get my hopes up, right?