Two girls bullying Nanmi, faked a hang out to fuck up her room. Secret Otaku understands that would be Not Fun so he panic ran to her house to warn her and had an extremely bad mental time about it.I did not understand a single thing in this chapter do I not english anymore?
But it would still have the same, if not even bigger problem for Nanami, no?Should've let those girls try. Her dad could easily deal with those little shits.
Here's some more English to summarize the chapter:I did not understand a single thing in this chapter do I not english anymore?
I have no idea how they planned on getting that past her parents. Attacking someone's child in their own home tends to be suicidal.Two girls bullying Nanmi, faked a hang out to fuck up her room.
At first I was thinking it was a normal chapter, but it's in the past, just before Nanami's break down.I did not understand a single thing in this chapter do I not english anymore?
Namami's dad ought to be at work, still, unless he happened to be working a night shift. An average Japanese workday is around the clock, after all. I reckon the stupid girls wouldn't trash her room if they saw the Terminator dad. Furthermore, I doubt they intended to stick around for too long, in fear of consequences, even if spending time there would have allowed tormenting Nanami for longer. Even the punks who spray no talent graffiti or tags typically make themselves scarce immediately once they are finished, unless they know the time and place really well.I seriously wanna see the alternate route of them throwing up her collection and got smacked by her Dad now, would be best route
Imagine barging into someone else's room and messing with their stuff, probably not only some smash but also sued legally