Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Vol. 1 Ch. 19 - My Gamer Friend Gets Hit On

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
Reminds me of a female gamer I know irl, she always got upset that when we played together online everyone else always assumed she was male and me female..
(Might add she's the one that asked me to not reveal I'm male, after the second time found out it's because another mutual friend told her to ask me about how to act feminine.)

Personally don't care about gender, neither my own nor others.
There's no denying there are certain trends based on gender when it comes to behavior, but there are more than enough deviating that you can't call it more than trends.
(Then there's a truckload of differences based on how people got raised, culture matters alot here and not necessarily in a good way.)
Power Uploader
Sep 5, 2019

Finally, a man of culture amongst these plebians.


It's actually a fairly rare occurrence compared to many other places, just featured as a common trope in fiction. Japanese fiction seems to portray Japanese persons as extremely sexually forward; the actual reality is far from the truth which is why Japanese has a problem of population decline and high rates of voluntary singledom. The Japanese at large are simply not interested that much in relationships, and præfer to game instead.


SO ehh... why exactly would one demand of another to not reveal that his male; and then on top of it get upset that others because of that assume that he is in fact not male?
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018
Big brain: go out with your gamer girl

Galaxy brain: cross dress cuter than her to encourage her to be even cuter
Double-page supporter
Nov 13, 2018
When your crossdressed husbando get hit on more harder than you being a girl....................
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018

Apparently she got upset over the fact that mutual friend of ours told her she should ask me to teach her how to act more feminine,
so she went ahead and decided to compete (or prove she can be more feminine or something), which was why she told me to not mention my gender.
She got rather sulky after she failed miserably though, since randoms didn't just assume that I'd be female, they assumed she'd be male too.
(Key part to that is probably because she's pretty perverted if you ask me, and the usual prejudice about perverts being males.)

Looking back, I find it hilarious tbh.
Power Uploader
Sep 5, 2019

I'm quite certain that most females will still be assumed to be male on the internet; one has to really produce quite excessive femininization to not be assumed male on the internet.

If a transcription be made of the average female dialog or conversation and the text be put on the internet, most will assume that it were said by a male.
Jul 7, 2018
But the eye colors make it confusing since Kaoru has golden eyes while Nanami has reddish eyes. The girl there has brown hair AND golden eyes. That's confusing, lol.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018

Unsurprisingly, since the average female is actually more perverted than the average male, and they usually don't hold back as much online as they try to hide that irl.
Also, if you've been present while a bunch of females are conversing, and there're no males around that they care to try keep the truth from, you'd know just how extreme their talks tend to get.

As for me personally, while I don't really mind perverted subjects all that much I also don't find them all that entertaining either, and prefer to avoid getting directly involved.
That, along with some basic manners and such, are things that alot of people assume is typical for females and so I've been assumed to be one often enough despite not trying.
Actually, there have been a few times (really just a few) where people assumed I'd be female despite me clearly stating my gender online,
part why that friend told her she should ask me to teach her how to act "feminine".
Funny part is that the avg female is worse than the avg male on those points when unrestrained on the net and so they're often assumed to be male, many of them don't mind that either.

Part why I read manga for that matter (and quite a few too) is because they grant some insight into their authors minds, something I won't get tired of anytime soon.
(Also read books and other kinds of media too for the same reason, not overly limited by genres.)

Interesting nickname btw, didn't actually think about it earlier. ☺¿♂♀?☺♪♫
(Personally like the mix with that profile pic.)

Have an enjoyable day!
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Every good DPS/mage needs a good tank to interrupt pickup lines attacks and draw aggro! 😄
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Wait, they're just going out by themselves, why is he crossdressing?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
@trapsarebetter I agree with ya. It's just that I usually met with male more often online then with female. So just to be safe (and because I'm lazy) I'll usually assume the other side is a dude.
Active member
Feb 12, 2020
Imagine being mad your crossdressing fiend get called cuter than you by some random dickweed

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