Don't think he means it, but at this point man is looking like a walking corpse fed up with life itself 😐Him saying that he's comfortable with the situation makes me want to slap him. Wake up man! Things are absolutely not good and your family unit is on a collision course for disaster. There needs to be an emergency family meeting with representation to vent out everything no holding back just to see where the hell they are.
You are, my cinema, I can watch you foreeeever. The dad probablyThe mom is projecting so hard she should change her name to Cinema
Sleeping Beauty wakes up and starts beating the fuck out of the prince.The play will just be a depiction of her anxiety’s, depression and hidden thoughts personified in the story of sleeping beauty and I’m looking forward to seeing it.
Thanks everyone at Senko-san's Abode for the translation.
LOLSleeping Beauty wakes up and starts beating the fuck out of the prince.