when i see this kind of... bullshit (sorry for a lack of better words.)
i always wonder "who the hell is it even for?" it's just misery porn.
there's not a single moment when the writing isn't just miserable.
who the hell even want to read something like that? why would you create something like that?
i guess i can see it resonate with suicidal-peoples, but i still don't understand why you'd encourage them.
and it's a brand of writing i only see in japanese writing.
i've never seen "misery-porn" anywhere else but in japanese writing, whether it's movies or literature.
it's not "dark", it's "miserable", even "grim-dark" stories usually tries to lighten up the mood once in a while,
at least to make the drama and somber tone of the writing efficient.
here, i don't get it.
i don't understand why you'd write a story like that.
i don't understand why you'd write characters like that.
i don't understand why you'd read a story like that.
it's the kind of writing made only for peoples like it's author.
it's the kind of stories made by someone that aime to give you a 13th reason.
i guess if you absolutely hate life and everything it has to offer, it might be your alley.
but keep in mind,
there's only so much pity you can have for someone before it turn into frustration and then spite.
at some point, you're bound to think "maybe if they stopped with the self-pity and actually did something, things would change?"
This comment was super interesting to me, I remember once reading a manga that I considered to be misery porn and I just couldn't understand why people would read it. I didn't even think of this manga as misery porn until I read your comment so let me answer the questions you proposed:
i don't understand why you'd write a story like that.
I thought the story was about the interaction between people who have personalities that make them express themselves differently and expect different behavior out of each other.
The father is always trying to look out for others and forget about himself (only looks outside of himself) (I have a family member that's autistically like that), the mom is a moron who cant read peoples emotions (only looks into herself) and learned to go with the flow, so when shit isnt part of the flow or "normal" she looses her shit, because she isn't normal she just acts normal, she repeats behaviors she thinks is normal but not because she is reacting to the situation, she seems to have learn through observation so she acts to meet what she thinks are peoples expectations of what is normal so she doesn't react to people she reacts to things that go outside of her expectation of normality, the whole situation comes from the terrible combination of selfish moron (mom) and "only the feeling of other people matter" (dad) the situation gets worse and worse. I keep reading because I felt that it was slowly inching foward, like the shit stalemate was going to get resolved.
i don't understand why you'd write characters like that.
To expose this dynamic and hopefully show a natural progression where the situation gets resolved (I hope).
i don't understand why you'd read a story like that.
Im interested in what other people (the author) thinks a solution for this case would be, knowing people that are a little bit like that (doormats who live with selfish people) this became really interesting to me.
buuuuuuuuuuuuuut after reading your comment I kinda started re-contextualizing stuff in my head... maybe I'm reading more in this manga then it was actually intended,Im up to chapter 32, if the father doesn't go after his daughter who fled to abusive grandpa's house I'm dropping this shit. He (the dad) is a bit of a pansy and a moron but so far he wanted the best for his wife and daughter, he just didn't know how to deal with the wife because the situation was fucked from the start (never put your dick in crazy) if he decides to allow the daughter to be there... with grandpa trauma... holy shit its just misery porn all right... also, its japanese so there's probably grape in the story, that might make me drop this story, especially if it happens to Ichika(as that would just be gratuitous suffering for the sake of suffering), I feel kinda bad for her mom but fuck² her mom, fuck the teacher, fuck the OF neighbour (If my read on her is correct and she is just waiting to take the father because she has a need to take care of people), maybe fuck the dad too, he should grow a pair.
EDIT: okay this is probably just misery porn I lost my time reading 32 chapters... I checked the dorama episode sinopsis apparently
shit goes full soap opera dad did something to separate the family, Hikaru is ichikas twin, theres a guy sitting on a sofa wearing leopard stamped tight "whities", mom is sitting beside him in the sofa, and the dad is standing looking all emo on the side, just wtf man...
EDIT2: apparently the spoilers where just for the drama version, the manga moves on retardadly in a different direction according to someone in the comments who says he read the comic up to a certain point in the raws. which is a little bit weird because if Im not mistaken in chapter 86 the tapes are still around but ok whatever
raw: 第84話 / そんな家族なら捨てちゃえば? - 村山渉 | コミックトレイル|漫画とつながるフェス空間!
I hate the teacher guy, like why? You know the husband's situation, you know she's toxic and self absorbed, are you desperate for crazy bitch pussy that hard? Not to mention how treats both kids. Goddamn. I know he's meant to be hated so props to the author