Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 13 Ch. 101

Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2020
It’s a bit silly for people to be complaining that some people want this to be more of a romcom-style story. The material covered by Season 1 of the anime, which is what got a lot of people into this series, has a lot more romcom elements. I don’t think the current story is bad, but it’s only natural for some readers to wish for more of a return to that and less of a focus on cosplay drama.
Aggregator gang
Feb 8, 2024
Reading the comment section make me realize that, people only care about the "fluff" stuff.
Or, many care about something actually happening so that the story move forwards. Last chapter was 95% of nothingness regardin Marin not knowing how to break a photo circle, while 5% was actually about moving the plot forward (the awkwardness between Marin and Gojo on their way home.

This chapter same, 95% of the chapter are about 2 dudes gushing over how good the cosplay is (which has been abundantly conveyed for the past 5-6 months now), whereas only 5% of the chapter moves the plot forward (the Mangaka himself actually approving something that was derived from his work), and seeing Gojo still depressed at home.

I re-read the manga, and also rewatched the anime this past 1-2 weeks, and the pacing has slowed down conciderably, which I think other have picked up on as well. Reason people criticize is because they really like this manga, and wants to see the story to unfold, but for the past few months, it has been at a standatill for the most part.

When a chapter is 30-40 pages long, one would expect at least half of them being focused regarding moving the story and progression forward, not 5 pages only.

I personally dislike this slow pacing, but I still love this manga as a whole. I just hope that the pacing in the story picks up a bit and things start to move forwards.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
Seriously, why are you even bothering to read this? Their cosplay was just acknowledged by the fricken author. That is HUGE.
The draw for this manga was not old fuckers being attracted to young girls cosplaying to the point of completely losing their shit and yelling "princeeeess" -not creepy at all, BTW. First this was about a boy and a girl coming closer and having fun with cosplay and each other.
After that start, you can't blame someone for being annoyed with an entire 50-page chapter dedicated to the old fuckers creeping out!
Aggregator gang
Feb 8, 2024
I wouldn't say this is nothing.

It's setting up the stakes for future chapters.
But it could’ve been done in way less pages and still getting the same feeling across. Having a random mangaka and his editor gush over the cosplay on how good it was could’ve been done in 2-3 pages, and then having the editor contact the Tokio (Haniel mangaka creator).
Instead, we get 18 pages before the editor calls Tokio to inform about the cosplay. Rest of the pages I feel are relevant, but the 18 pages before felt like nothingburger that could’ve been shortened considerably.
Double-page supporter
Mar 8, 2019
Oh boy here we go again. Also yeah the author liking the cosplay... oh wow what a surprise... i didn't see that coming oh wow... 😪
But good chapter in the end i think that the main problem with this "arc" is the waiting for the new chapter, one month is lot.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
People saying about "plot progression" as if it has any significance in romcom genre. They all the same: 200 chapters of nothing then kiss and timeskip to marriage. Who gives a shit about plot in Japanese shounen romcoms? At least here we have nice art and cosplay, which is the main theme of the manga btw. Though author stretches some parts a bit too much, but at least it's not all these dumb romcom tricks to maintain the status quo.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2019
I dont get why people are disliking the chapters, Its always been like this Gojo and his art and Marin and her feelings for him. I aint saying he doesnt have feeling for her, but the romance bit of the manga has always been on Marin's side.
Honestly I totally get it, I want romance progress too, but I guess ppl get frustrated bc it takes way too long for the series to progress with it being monthly
Are we really gonna pretend the aftermath of the Succubus cosplay didn't happen or did you genuinely forget because it's been so long since we got some actual romance
Dude popped a fucking boner under her and... i think he masturbated thinking about her???? But because it's ACTUALLY BEEN THAT LONG since the romance was in focus people genuinely go "Oh Marin's feelings are one-sided actually".
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Group Leader
Jul 12, 2019
I think what funnier is that while these people went crazy over Haniel costume and cosplay, the person who made the costume don't even use the SNS and won't know how good people think his costume is, and the one who cosplay also use her SNS mostly for herself and never really do Ego-surfing so she might also not know she made a fad
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
Wow. When I saw how many comments this chapter had, I thought finally some progression must have been made, or something dramatic had happened. But half of the comments are defining Imposter Syndrome for that one person who asked.

Might as well agree with some of the common criticisms while Im at it. The Haniel cosplay was the greatest cosplay that has ever been cosplayed. The entire planet is in awe. Even the uncontacted tribes in the Amazon are moved by the Haniel cosplay. All gay men are now straight for Haniel, and all straight women are now gay for her!!! The sun will refuse to rise and the stars refuse to shine, for how could they hope to match the radiance of Marin cosplaying Haniel! Whoopdeedoo. Im glad that has been made ABUNDANTLY clear now. Oh wow a whole chapter just to build up to the grumpy mangaka RETWEETING THE COSPLAY, wow I'm foaming at the mouth with excitement. Oh good we got a page with our MC at the end, so glad we got 0 progression of whats actually going on with him.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2020
I think what funnier is that while these people went crazy over Haniel costume and cosplay, the person who made the costume don't even use the SNS and won't know how good people think his costume is, and the one who cosplay also use her SNS mostly for herself and never really do Ego-surfing so she might also not know she made a fad
Juju will definitely hear about it, at the least, so Marin will definitely learn about it.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
It’s a bit silly for people to be complaining that some people want this to be more of a romcom-style story. The material covered by Season 1 of the anime, which is what got a lot of people into this series, has a lot more romcom elements. I don’t think the current story is bad, but it’s only natural for some readers to wish for more of a return to that and less of a focus on cosplay drama.
Comedy of them getting flustered together in a hotel room over a Succubus cosplay and inadvertently ending up in compromising positions >>>> Drama over the grimdark angel cosplay either not being perfect enough (eyeroll) or being too perfect (bigger eyeroll) and neither of them talking anymore.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2023
I agree that it's slow, but I disagree that it's a demerit to the pacing.

These last few chapters could have been condensed to stimulate more plot, but that's not the point. The artist is trying to set a mood, an ambiance to the current situation. We're getting anticipation from the cosplay going viral on social media. We're feeling dread when we see Gojo and his reaction.

And, frankly, I get that it's not to your tastes then, but I have a higher tolerance to this sort of thing so I get what the author is trying to do and I let myself get immersed in that moment before moving on and waiting for the next chapter.
Last time I let the author cook, they came up with the Akira plot twist which was so shit that it completely vanished any expectations of something actually being serious. Imagine setting up this character which "hates" Marin for what, 30 chapters? for all of it to turn out as a big fucking joke... Can you blame me?
Aggregator gang
Oct 3, 2020
While I do see your point and partially agree. The manga has been made with a lot of feedback from the cosplay community so giving them a little wish fulfillment in that form is to be expected. It's a bit strange for people that don't value this as much which is why I see where you're coming from.
The big issue for me is really that the balance of content shifted drastically over the chapters. I typically appreciate getting insight into hobbies I know jackshit about in mangas, but jesus christ it started at 50-50 romcom/cosplay, we're now at 1-99 drama/cosplay.
And honestly, I'd really like to know whether this actually feels like wish fulfillment to cosplayers, because it feels closer to schizo narcissism than wish fulfillment to me. Might sound harsh, but I'm being 100% honest about how it reads to me, sorry.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
So many of you have no experience of being recognised as an artist and it really shows.
Their hard work and talent has finally been given recognition, not just from anonymous weirdos but from the one person they would want praise from the most. Just imagining that kind of recognition is a rush. This is potentially the biggest turning-point of the story so far, not to mention the height of dramatic tension. Pearls before swine.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2020
So many of you have no experience of being recognised as an artist and it really shows.
Their hard work and talent has finally been given recognition, not just from anonymous weirdos but from the one person they would want praise from the most. Just imagining that kind of recognition is a rush. This is potentially the biggest turning-point of the story so far, not to mention the height of dramatic tension. Pearls before swine.
People aren’t "swine" for being disappointed that the overall focus of the manga has shifted a bit, c’mon. The early material gets you invested in Gojo and Marin’s relationship pretty hard & that’s been very stalled out for a long time.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
People aren’t "swine" for being disappointed that the overall focus of the manga has shifted a bit, c’mon. The early material gets you invested in Gojo and Marin’s relationship pretty hard & that’s been very stalled out for a long time.
When you misrepresent my criticism, I guess it might look like I'm being overly harsh.
The proverbial swine I am referring to are those for whom it is impossible to show the significance of the significant events of the plot portrayed in this chapter. It is not addressing any criticism of the recent drift in focus, that is a distinctly separate issue. Although, I'm also inclined to believe that criticism is a symptom of the issue I do address.

"Pearls before swine" is not really an admonishment of the swine, pigs cannot help being pigs, but rather a warning against wasting time and resources on those incapable of appreciating it.

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