We're 5 chapters in. Remember that he's a loner, he shouldn't be as alpha as you want him to be right now. Character development don't just happen in the first few pages of a book.
god I can smell the beta out of this chapter disgusting.
@penguinbacon its fine he is no alpha. Not everyone is an alpha irl as it should be. but not everyone is a cuck beta either. They don't have to make him a complete pussy to make a point.
You use this word but I don't believe you know what it means. He is in no way, shape, or form a cuck. A generic beta MC? Absolutely, but not a cuck.
"This socially anxious person with a crippling inferiority complex isn't fucking this person he's known for a grand total of a couple days that's pretty much the exact opposite of him personality-wise!? And he's only like, fifteen or so!? What a loser!"
If anyone is going to be jumping anyone elses bones here I think she'll be the first lol. She might let him drive but she's damn well going to navigate.
dude is the opposite of loser tho
he is not a beta, he is a gamma male focusing on his craft
he can spill his spaghetti with her all he wants, dude has skill and that's all that matters