Here is an idea:
So, there have been people, who tortured a little child, so her powers awake faster. Well, mankinds existance is in danger, so the reason justify the means. They also took away her freedom. She also has been forced to take up that role, but others enjoy their lifes. (Don't get me wrong, she did not directly critisis all people for living their lives, but rightfully she pointed out the people, who could spend more on protecting mankind, making her role easier, or if not easier, let her at least see, that others are also making sacrifices. Her stance on wiping out mankind as a whole, because of those rich dudes, eventhough most of mankind consists of normal wealthy people, that try to keep up society,.. well that stance is a bit to harsh. I believe she isn't seeing, that there are people making sacrifices)
So, here is my idea: How about those people are allowed to do all those bad things to her (as seemingly everyone in that setting judged it as a necessity, and we couldn't do shit about it, anyway). And as their conviction about "it had to be done." is so strong in them, I'm sure they also see the point in facing the just punishment for their crimes and go to jail for it. It had to be done, but it also has to be punished. Isn't that the just thing to do? Huh? How about it? Huh? HUUUUUH????!?!?!?