Sono Monban, Saikyou Nitsuki: Tsuihou Sareta Bougyo Ryoku 9999 no Senshi, Outo no Monban Toshite Musou Suru

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 23, 2020
The Description tho lol

and why the fuck the kicked from the party is so popular plot on new mangas/LNs/WNs lmfao

a Harem with no Romance pretty nice
Dec 25, 2020
@SomeRandomDudeReading em no not at all the shield hero was said to be weak but he is strong there was no drama etc...
y are people that
and it doesnt look like its gonna have some kind of harem (yeah iam saying shield hero has a harem i mean he has a party of himself and 3 girls so yeah ....)
Jul 4, 2018
Wasn't the exact same premise done already by another manga and no, I am not talking about shield hero.
Jul 4, 2018
Found it,
Oct 29, 2020
So he will get basic harem package ?
big chest, flat chest, loli , megane, beastgirl , elf, tsundere, yandere or the hybrid of any of them
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Steelz : That has to many differences for it to be the exact same premise, the booting was for harem party and the parrty member the "hero" wanted had a crush on the MC, here is is due to pure arrogance. There the MC was sharing his defense, here he is drawing all the aggro, there he went home to his sister (and the reason he was an adventurer) here he looks for a new career. Trying to compare them is the same level is superficial stupidity as claiming 2 westerns are the same because they both opened with a gunslinger wandering in to town, or 2 detective stories opening with a new (femme fatale) client coming to see the MC in his run down office.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@sjmcc13 In that one, it was also arrogance as well; the premise is that the MC is an amazing person who was looked down on by his party while he is the one that's actually holding everything up.

It seems to be a trope that is resonating with Japanese readers....
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2020
This manga is pretty great, and it's funny too. I'm really glad to have read it.
Dec 16, 2019
The writing is rather lazy.
The betrayal is kinda unjustfied as clearly it is revealed that EVERYONE knows that the protag is OP. Also the fact that he is super strong offensivly BETRAYS the plot. It is about this guy who only blocks, so he is underesstimated but later on it is clear that he can just one shot most creatures. Also it gets real boring when the main obsticale every time is this guy who everyone thinks is good is just CLEARLY not. And then when that is revealed he is swiftly swept out of relevance.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 26, 2023
Yknow, there is one LN where the MC keeps thinking his party members will kick him out of the party meanwhile the party members are actually making sure the MC doesn’t leave the party
Feb 12, 2023
I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to setups for kicked-out-of-the-party manga, but this one's is a bit too mind-meltingly stupid. In others if I see something like... The party was just using the protag and always planned to betray him. Fine. The party thinks the protag is weak and holding them back. Fine. The party leader just wants to bang protag's girl so they kick him out. Fine. There's a billion extremely simple reasons I can accept.

Then there's this one. "Oh, you're just distracting the monsters and taking all the hits for us? UMMM how STUPID. Our party is an OFFENSE-focused party, okay? It's kinda our thing, and you're all up there with your insane deeeeefense. Boooring. You're really ruining our whole THEME here, so y'know, go pound sand or whatever." Like... They KNOW he's strong, they KNOW he's useful. I get that they're trying to portray them as arrogant as not NEEDING to rely on his defense, but it doesn't feel that way at all. They're just cripplingly retarded. They even mention how no monster can stand in front of them for more than ten minutes. You need upwards of TEN MINUTES to kill a monster, even while you are able to focus purely on your offense due to that one guy. Yeah, I'm thinking you might want SOMEONE up there to keep its attention for you while you're all whacking away at it for minutes and minutes and minutes, just in case. And who knows when you might encounter something unexpectedly stronger too.

And they of course IMMEDIATELY run into problems. "Oh hey, that guy we adventured with for so long, who would always draw all the attention from the monsters and allowing us to use our offensive abilities freely. He was pretty useful, huh?" Yes??? Did you not realize this as you were fighting in all those prior instances? Are you seriously that unaware of your surroundings? Were you blacked out? Were you in a coma? Like... What? They're now constantly failing missions. Background characters are gossiping about them and how it must be because they kicked that one guy out, and... Yeah. Yeah it is. Gee, that sure was a brain-dead decision wasn't it? It's so painfully retarded, I can't handle it.

I don't tend to pick apart logic in these series, but it's just such a glaringly dumb, flawed premise that didn't have to be written this way at all. I need to give my brain time to recover before I attempt this one again.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Trite, generic, cliched garbage that doesn't even have the good sense to use its cliches well.

He gets kicked out of the party for a flimsy and obviously flawed reason that everyone acknowledges almost right away is dumb except the lead hero because he's the stand-in for all the rude bosses/co-workers and school bullies that these stories are escapism from.

Then he signs up to be a guard and everyone is all "this guy got kicked out of the hero party, he must be trash" only for things to turn around and we find out that everyone knows he's super skilled and is all "as expected!" when he wrecks every opponent.

Then he gets set up with a first major opponent who has had a front row seat to him being an unbeatable killing machine and when the MC doesn't go down in the lazy and obvious trap that is nowhere near strong enough to effect him the baddie's all like "tsk, how can you survive my inescapable trap of doom that was sprung with generic faceless goons?!?! It's not like I saw you stand toe-to-toe with stronger foes than this before repeatedly!"

It's just so lazy it's like the author thinks that the audience knows how all these stories and tropes work so they don't have to put in effort to make this good it's just "here's a bad guy or the lead former hero party dude. They're tools so they don't believe in the MC because that's the trope." and "everyone believes the gossip about the MC being trash right until we need them to obviously have known the MC was the one keeping the hero party from falling apart." It knows the beats it needs to hit but it doesn't even bother trying to get to each of them. It just expects you to be fine with whatever bullshit is needed to do the scene "the way it's supposed to be done."

You know what would actually be a fun twist on this dumb subgenre trope? The hero goes to kick the MC out of the party but everyone else in the party realizes the MC is the one holding it together and the Hero is a massive stuck-up douchebag, so they kick him out instead. Then you can have the "rise of the underappreciated OP MC" and your "party of fawning sexy girl members harem spectacular" and not have to go to all the trouble of playing out this same trash storyline every single time.
Feb 28, 2024
Typical fantasy action manga created and aimed for male audiences, with the male MC surrounded (and loved) by a bunch of female characters of all kinds. And of course, loli.

It's not bad, but it also doesn't bring any new value to the table. The art was nice though.
Oct 1, 2020
Bro, author think he's chef, but it lookin' like you forgot oven was on. Not even crispy, just straight burnt, fam

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