@w33btr4sh what are you talking about? I simply observe that most of the time the safety of the children pops up, it's to push forward with either
more surveillance or
more censorship. Children or, rather, the very concept of children and their safety, is a very convenient tool since it gives a
high moral ground and makes it easier to agree with their proposals. And the
image of a pedo, a monster preying on children, is perfect for that. And after scientific studies have found pedos
don't rape and murder children all the time (yes, I'm linking to Wikipedia since it's
that commonly known), the threat has to be qualified differently to keep its existence. Also, if you look at those grooming "techniques", you will see those are
pretty much the same as the way you and I court our adult significant others.
And just because I think we should be warier of the governments that watch our every move than some kind of boogeyman,
I must be one of the said boogeymen? I think not. In fact, I'm offended someone would even label me a public enemy. Please take that back.
Tl;Dr I think it's all politics and haven't found evidence to the contrary in my own research. If you do, please show me. It would be great to know and be safer. And if not, you be safer because governments can't be trusted and media is controlled by money, not truth.