@Narf Just like
@ununseti said, I was talking about the publishing status. The only data we track about that is the final volume and chapter numbers.
If we're talking about sorting by the amount of chapters uploaded to the site, technically we could calculate and sort manga based on that information. The problem is that sorting that out becomes a pretty massive calculation. For starters, we have about half a million chapters on the site. To figure out the amount of chapters any given manga has, since we allow alternative releases by different groups, each manga needs to get their chapter total calculated separately based on the available volume/chapter numbers (at this point it doesn't help that some groups leave volume numbers out and some don't, etc). They also need to be filtered based on the user's language, hentai and tag filtering settings, which additionally complicate caching this data. Finally, the results need to be sorted.
Even if we hashed this all out so that performance wasn't a huge issue (reminder that we're already getting 502 errors during peak times), chapter count isn't necessarily a great metric for figuring what manga you want to read. You only have to consider manga with a hundred 1-page chapters vs. manga with five 20-page chapters to figure that out. At that point, we'd have to additionally be calculating page count averages, complicating things even further.
So yeah, while none of this would be
impossible to implement, it's not realistic to do so. At least not right now.