Souzai Saishuka no Isekai Ryokouki - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Maybe your conscience would be less a consideration if I point out that not only they were trying to kill you first but also that if you don't kill them they will try again later when they think they can take you or have a bigger group and more people will bother you attempting to kill/harm you because there is no consequence in doing so.
A peaceful life will not be attained like that, I mean it will be seen as such after you get used to it or until someone that is stronger than you appears I guess.
Nov 15, 2018
MC: I want to have a peaceful Life!
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
@mahtan I think you're seriously downplaying how horrible an act murder is, regardless of the reasoning. It's not about logic. Besides if our happy-go-lucky protagonist killed the muggers, you'd have the opposite problem where people would complain that the protagonist is unrealistic and/or is a psychopath and would heavily clash with the current tone of the manga.

I also don't plan to think about solutions to such a situation. It's a ridiculously common trope in these kinds of manga so I usually ignore it until the manga offends me in some way. So far I enjoy this series.

EDIT: I will add that the protagonist's current behaviour is a bit ridiculous and contradictory but it's only been a few chapters before an incident happens so it's fine for now.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Seriously, what happened to the comment section of this site.
I was pretty good, before... people could have diverging opinions without resorting to insults.
Well, I have a policy of answering once people who use insults then block them, so I'll block Chrondoz, but not CountryMage, because CountryMage actually had an interesting answer.
@Chrondoz Well, in fact he gets people asking him to do crap... ordering him around.
That he ignores the orders doesn't mean he doesn't get ordered. Thugs order him to follow them into empty streets, guild people ask him to take the promotion exam, the bath tiger asks him to clean the bath every 3 days.
The problem is that he'll need power to keep doing whatever he wants... for the moment and by miracle, he didn't attract the attention of higher-ups yet (no Nobles, no guild master, no "Thief boss", ...).
The problem is that:
1. He does nothing to hide how exceptional he is (goes around everywhere with a freaking dragon, uses strange powers freely, picks up incredibly high value ingredients,...).
2. He isn't building relations with higher-ups to have them on his side in case of real problem.
3. He tries to down play his powers while using them freely. This would make a Noble think that he could use the MC to do his bidding, and is clearly a good way to attract problems.

Also, if living peacefully is being attacked daily by thugs, I don't seem to have the same understanding of the word "peace", it seems.
Your argument isn't completely wrong, I think, but maybe next time don't start it with an insult, that's not the best way to have people listen to you.

Yeah, I see your point...
Maybe that wouldn't entirely apply to him, actually. If his reputation was that he actually is an incredibly strong adventurer, people would actually hesitate to fight him? Well, he would probably attract some war-crazed people trying to challenge strong opponents...
BUT! He doesn't actually own or want propriety, because of his will to see the world and not stay at one place too long, so the only thing he would need to defend is his life... well, yeah, my arguments here aren't top notch...😋
I still think befriending higher-ups and making himself a reputation of a strong and invincible adventurer would be beneficial, especially after he moves somewhere else, so that he doesn't have to restart from zero every time.
Apr 7, 2019
You cannot fix **** in the world if you live a peaceful life and your going to get on god's and the ruling class' nerve if you actually disrupt the world even more without doing anything productive.
Jul 2, 2018
@aFFi Alright snowflake I would love to prove every point you have wrong but if you already have me blocked I won't bother lol
Active member
Nov 25, 2018
this guy should just rank up to Rank C or D to get a better life with no thugs bothering. afterall if he does have a middle rank, there will not be much who wants to bother him.
Dec 7, 2018
Being low profile and poor obviously won't allow the MC to get the peaceful life he want.

Peaceful people doesn't deal with small stuffs like

- Collecting herbs
- Cleaning bathroom
- Taking promotion exams
- Thugs
- Goblins

They ask people to deal with those things for them.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018

(ofc it's goblins. the only good gobus are in RE:Monster and tensei slime)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
Well...the tags say Romance but....was there a Heroine alredy? Is it the Dragon cub? I mean....its almost to slow if there is no Heroine after 15 chapters....

Dont get me wrong its still an interesting Story,but at the moment just OP Chara Slice of Life, wich can get boring rather quickly.
Aggregator gang
Dec 29, 2018
I can’t believe that an Isekai MC is actually being smart and isn’t a massive dumbass. He isn’t the smartest, because he keeps openly using his powers and has a dragon cub in tow when he doesn’t want to stand out, but he’s damn smart compared to lots of other imbecilic and reckless MCs. He doesn’t even have a harem. Great job author lol
Jul 31, 2019
this mc intelligence goes all over the place, sometimes is smart enough to do research and try new things, then it becomes stupid, like right now, with all his skills he should at least want to be a D rank, so people doesnt doubt his power nor they try to mug him for being "weak f rank", then just after saying it, he still dont want to rank up?. sigh
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@ColorlessBoy He did meet an Elf his first day in the new world. They were starving, so he gave them the food he had and ran off promising to pay him back if they meet again. Which is probably eventually and all but these stories can get kind of long and meandering so we'll see I guess.
Feb 1, 2019
This whole “I don’t want to stand out” thing is getting ridiculously annoying. You have a dragon cub, you stand out way more as a low rank.
Active member
Oct 26, 2018
All his energy is focused on not standing out and trying to be nice to people so that they don't bother him? Such a pathetic bastard.

Also, the author sneaked in an entire page of complete copy-paste recap...

In addition, how is it rude to use scan on him? Will it hurt him? Don't be a hypocrite. It's just superficial info anyway.

Most of all, is he truly stupid to the point where he thinks that the people that keep a "low profile", refusing to rank up despite clearly being far above their current rank will bring them peace? Rather, make it your god damn goal to get to SS rank as quickly as possible. Even kings would have to bow their heads to you, it was stated earlier. They will all have to adapt to your wishes and you can do whatever you want. Who am I kidding, of course he is stupid to that point. His first name is stupid, his middle name is moron and his last name is retard.

Well, out of chapters and now I'll drop this. Had nothing else to read, otherwise I would've dropped it already with how much of a moron this author is.

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