So, the first part of my comment is obviously BS in regards to China. I was talking out of my ass about things I clearly know nothing about. However, my comments on the very hypocritical actions of the “feminazi’s” mentioned by whoever I responded to a correct. They’re very supportive of Islam, which while I have no issue with them, have a patriarchy society and religion. There is no refuting this.
They spread the idea that being overweight is not an issue, and that men should stop unrealistically expecting an “ideal body.” We should all pursue an ideal body, since an ideal body should be a healthy one. If your doctor tells you your weight and BMI aren’t a problem, then great. That isn’t the case for many people, and they really struggle with it. The last thing they need to be told is that they should “be happy with their body” since there’s nothing wrong with it.
The so called patriarchy is heavily built on the idea that there’s an income gap in the United States, which has been proven by many studies to be blatantly incorrect, and that the gap is a direct result of men being statistically more likely to take more dangerous, (and as a result) higher paying jobs. You’re welcome to dispute that with those who did the studies. The studies that claim a wage gap do not account for job type differences such as these.
Be careful or someone might think you have a functioning brain,