Spider-Man: Fake Red - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - Clash

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
I don't think I'd mind if this continues on with Peter existing and Yu gets the venom suit. I don't know exactly how the venom suit works but I think it'd be interesting to see the mental strain on someone who doesn't want to murderise Peter.
Mar 5, 2019
Man, they just had to go and make one of the main characters gay. God damn it. Welp...
Group Leader
Jun 14, 2019
To anyone confused.

Emma has the big gay. There was no mistranslation or tampering of dialogue.

@MrF0x, While "lesbian" not explicitly used in the original text, you'd have to really stretch to say she isn't a lesbian or, at the very minimum, Bi.

My personal thoughts are that I'm pretty interested in this direction. This kind of friend dynamic is almost non existent in shounen manga and I honestly think it would have been pretty meh if Yu just got the girl of his dreams. I'm interested to see how their friendship develops from here on because it can really go anywhere.

Also, to anyone pissy about this; just get over it.

-Salty Bird
Oct 7, 2019
Lmao, all the gay girls I know rock-climb. And now in manga too, what is this??? I can't stop laughing.

I can't believe they've, kind of, found Peter so quickly. I was hoping this would be a mid length manga, like maybe 50 chapters. Well, we'll just have to see how this plays out. It might not end with rescuing Peter.
Aggregator gang
Feb 4, 2019
That's what I like about this series, it fully understands that being Spider-Man is suffering.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2019
Even controlled, Peter's still trying to struggle to follow his uncle's words. Seeing him so focused on that imagine of his uncle's grave, he's using that to keep a hold of as much of his own self as possible.
Jun 19, 2019
@MrF0x I can corroborate SaltyBird's reply since I check the translations. There was no tampering with dialogue, and it's written as it was originally conveyed, or as close as it could get.
Lesbian isn't explicitly said, but based on the reactions and her deciding on confessing to Sarah, how she is concerned about Yu wanting to still be friends with her after sharing this, and the utter relief she has when he says of course, there isn't any way to read it as just wanting to be close friends with Sarah instead of girlfriends.
As someone who is in the LGBT community, it is through and through a LGBT coming out confession. There is no confirmation on whether she is a lesbian or bisexual, however since we've only seen her romantically interested in a woman, I would say she's a lesbian until otherwise said.
Just let women love women, y'all :)
Sep 5, 2018
Poor bastard, getting indirectly rejected with no chances, before confessing. The manga is top notch. I am enjoying it way more than any of actual marvel stuff. I do wish that Yu gets a proper romantic interest down the line.
Dec 10, 2019
@LittleGreenGiant @Sterling717

Ok thank for answering/ confirmation. It not like I'm angry at it or something, just wanted to be sure. Also I just got different understanding from it: like author used crush because she loves that one girl instead of lesbian which would be more preferring all women in general.

To be honest both ideas would be good I think- at least I'm fine with both. Them getting closer to each other and possible relationship after dealing with all the danger like I said or like Sterling717 mentioned them just staying as best friends. I would just hate if it was later just used for some political propaganda and media noise- like Marvel (comics) is doing in recent years.
Well anyway I guess we will know better next month. But like I mentioned Silk attitude will definitely be more positive to him.

Also big tanks to Sterling717 and team for keeping up good work!
I hope it will do well in Japan so it can continue and that author planned is as longer series. I guess you guys don't have any information how it's doing or what author is saying?

is it just me or villain will be Carlton Drake from "Live Foundation" so we may get rest of symbiotes? Other option would be Doc Octopus or Norman Osborn I guess?...
Group Leader
Jun 14, 2019

To clarify, I didn't think you in particular were angry. There's just some other comments that seemed salty for all the wrong reasons.

Thanks for the support. If there's big news from the author, we usually post translations on our discord. Feel free to join if you want to be more in the know for SM releases and whatnot.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2018
So 2 major things I understood:
-Venom is actually Peter
Like woah man,I really wasn't expecting that. Really.

-Yu's got indirectly rejected.
Big Oof from me. I think I know the song that's kinda appropriate rn.
Big F's for our boy.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
I’d rather her be gay and a good friend than have a repeat of Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane. Spider-Man has got some truly horrid hetero luck.
And hopefully we won’t see heads being bitten off...

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