Maybe I can save some time for a few people.
Don't read this, unless you're somehow fine with shipping a kind, easy-going guy with a rude, moronic, irrational, psychotic girl, who's insistent on trying to murder him for things she knows he didn't do. Honestly, I can't understand how a single person got past 5 or 10 chapters, let alone the 9.22 rating. I mean, it's not necessarily damning to be uninterested in, or outright dislike, a romance that's happening/going to happen in a complex series with a lot of other stuff going on. But in a series where the relationship between those characters is the main focus...
I just don't get how anyone could get past the beginning of this series. The irrational psycho is dead-set on trying to murder the MC for things his 'past lives' did, even though it's obviously not something he has any control over. He doesn't even know what they did, let alone have any control over their actions. The manga also establishes, early on, that each reincarnation has their own unique personality. They may be 'reincarnations,' but they're completely different people, who have no control over what their previous or next 'reincarnation' will do. Yet, that stupid bitch is insistent on blaming him for things he didn't do, and is hell-bent on murdering him for it. Not only that, it doesn't even explain -- at least not up to the point I got to before dropping it -- why she seems to know practically everything about all of her 'past lives' while none of the other characters with 'past lives' even know they of their existence.