@sasami_ I also read that part of the novel and the way things went down was very different. So yes, I am aware it was consensual in the novel. Here it was just drugged and raped. 🤣
@Kayriel I guess if that's your own world views it's fine. But your logic doesn't apply to how most people see things.
If a tree falls but no one saw or heard it fall, the tree still fell. That fact will not change even if no one ever knows.
If someone was attacked but not killed, obviously it was not murder but attempted murder.
If someone had a fight but no one was hurt, there was still an altercation.
If someone attempted to rob someone but failed, there was still a robbery.
And of course, if someone had their dick shoved into a vagina without them knowing that was going to happen, even if they don't mind afterwards, it was still rape.
Honestly, I wouldn't have responded because I don't care all that much about that incident, it's rather minor and I rather just see MC accept his feelings for best girl instead of this one. But your logic is just rather bizarre lmao.