Thanks for the chapter!
Gotta admit thought they were going after MC. Cunning plan to go through all this to kill Mina while leaving him alone. After all, he's nobility so there'd be trouble and an investigation if he dies if for no other reason than to discourage people from thinking can get away with harming nobles. However, Mina is a servant and a beastkin so only MC would be able to make a fuss about her death while everyone else (maybe not the townsfolk but the nobles certainly would,) are going to take their fellow human assassin's side and lame excuses over what they consider an inferior species little better than property due to prejudice. Also, with her gone it makes MC more vulnerable and easier to assassinate.
@NizzBizz He probably doesn't have a weapon because he has no how to use one. Granted should have something can use but even a gun needs maintenance occasionally so it'll work right and not break or foul up.