Please tell you translator next time to be careful with our MC's name. His name is 小山内 童児, Osanai Douji. That's how it's pronounced. The author even said so himself in his tweet.
Edit: Also the girl's name is wrong as well. It's Anezaki not Anesaki.
@HammerU89 In this case I feel like this is more like that cleaning manga or that self help one (I can't remember their names), where its actually a social interaction training manual disguised as manga in the hopes that Japanese young men actually go out and get in relationships/have sex. One of many sponosored by the wonderful Shinzo Abe.
@PianoConspiracy that would only be the case if the advice this series gave wasn't complete trash, but the advice that this series gives is complete trash.
While we don't mind if people criticize characters for whatever reason, consider doing so in a way that is thoughtful instead of just saying something like "I wish X would get Y'd."