Starting out as Friends With a Yankee Girl

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
This is hilarious.

On one hand, she seems to have motivational speech addiction and it could get annoying.
On the other, it's been nothing sort of amazing so far.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
This is very weird, the manga has a typical "beta" MC that is clearly meant to be some kind of self-insert and acts like a complete ly personality-devoid coward, however, the female protagonist is not only reacting to him like a regular reader/person would react to his character, but also still gives him chances in spite of this for ... some reason?
Who is this manga supposed to appeal to? It sorta feels like it's trying to attract both sides of the spectrum while appeasing neither. People who just want another gal romcom to self-insert into won't be satisfied due to the female MC's remarks, and people who want to see a proper subversion won't be satisfied because it isn't a proper subversion.
I'll cautiously keep reading this since the chapters are short, but I'm not holding my breath
Power Uploader
Aug 2, 2018
By the way, what is meant by yankee.
Sorry my English vocabulary is not that good.
Group Leader
Jun 8, 2018
I google-d it, Yankee is a person who lives in, or is from, the US.
A delinquent student in japan is Yanki.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Feels like a very blunt "how to date: the manga" sort of product. I can't say I understand the appeal, either.
I guess it's the sort of thing teens would browse, nod a few times, and then forget about it afterwards, as the characters have no personality, and there's no actual story here.
Active member
Jan 20, 2018

I'm liking it for the "Are you like this? don't be like this"

This MC at least confesses to her, and it's too early to see what's going to happen. she's also interesting.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
So saying that something's bad is off limits, but praising it is fine? Get a load of this bs.
"Just move along then and find something that does."

Haha! I get that all the time. There is a select group of self-appointed "Comment Police" who are under the impression that their opinions about a series (whether those opinions are positive or negative) are the only correct opinions to have and any comments to the contrary require the poster to harangued, insulted, and told to go elsewhere. It's pretty amusing to read their typical, copy-cat diatribes.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
I am unsure whether such users genuinely do not realize the irony of their tirades, or whether it's a band of master trolls.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@criver You mean irony like this comment:

I know I'm probably just giving you what you want, that being a reaction to your obviously salty comment so that you can get some attention and feel somewhat fulfilled as a person, but loaded bait comments like this that serve no purpose (not even to start some sort of meaningful debate, like discussing why NTR is wrong) just tick me off.

It's as if the poster is doing some self-insertion.
Jun 27, 2018
@Amizer @AthK i always heard yankee is Japanese slang for "delinquent" or "troublemaker" because the american troops stationed there after WW2 were notorious troublemakers. in the united states "yankee" generally means someone from the northern half of the country but internationally it seems to be a catch-all for any american person
Dex-chan lover
Nov 2, 2018
@criver See, here's the thing. The way things are phrased is very important. You are stating the story is "bad" as though it is a matter of "fact" and not what it actually is.. that in your opinion it is "bad" and that it doesn't suit your tastes. I wouldn't have said word one if you had phrased yourself differently. Everyone has tastes, and everyone's tastes are different. What is "bad" to one person can and is perceived as "good" to another. There's nothing wrong with not liking something, I make comments on things I don't like all the time, but I make sure I phrase them correctly and do not try to slap a universal label on them as though my word is the only thing that's right and others are stupid for not agreeing with it.

As far as how the MC is acting, he clearly has a near complete lack of self-confidence and self-worth (possibly due to being bullied or harshly rejected before), yet still had the guts to ask this girl he liked out. That bumps him up a few notches in my book, and clearly in hers as well, since she is obviously going about the process of trying to build him back up.

@FredFriendly Hardly. As I just said, I merely took issue with his phrasing.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
Nice excuses, too bad they don't agree with reality.
This is obviously phrased as an opinion:
Me, based on the title alone: "Hm, this is going to be trash"

Me, five pages in: "Yep, its trash"
Nowhere in that quote is there even a hint of a pretense for some universal objective truth which you imply there is:
do not try to slap a universal label on them as though my word is the only thing that's right and others are stupid for not agreeing with it.
Not to mention how hypocritical this is coming from you considering your initial reply.

But here's the kicker:
I make comments on things I don't like all the time, but I make sure I phrase them correctly
'correctly' lmao. You got more of that bs?

Rather than acknowledge that your outburst was out of place you keep on digging you grave, good job.

As far as my view of you is concerned: you are some sad person that gets triggered whenever he sees anything negative regarding something he likes and starts to act like an asshole over it. Grow up.

P.S. Also it's not how I phrased myself, since you were talking crap about BCS, not about me. I was just amazed enough at your ridiculous comments to actually reply to you. Or as you would put it:
that being a reaction to your obviously salty comment so that you can get some attention and feel somewhat fulfilled as a person
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Nermie01 So that those who don't wanna be bothered, I'll put my response in a
...but I make sure I phrase them correctly and do not try to slap a universal label on them as though my word is the only thing that's right and others are stupid for not agreeing with it.

Perhaps you do not fully grasp the concept of irony.

Hardly. As I just said, I merely took issue with his phrasing.

You did not just take issue with @BCS's phrasing, that whole first paragraph was an intentional harangue with which ended telling BCS to "Just move along then and find something that does." Had that post of yours only included the second paragraph, it wouldn't have bothered me since you were simply voicing your opinion but not telling someone else what to do. I'd bet that BCS already has a mom and doesn't need another one.

I won't be bothering to continue this discussion, well, at least not in this comment section.

edit: for some reason the spoiler tag did not work with this comment
Jan 29, 2018
A Highschool Girl with the insight of a mental health professional?
This isn't suspension of disbelief, this is expulsion.

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