Dex-chan lover
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^ This is good. Challenging, anyway.Your position that NTRs greatest appeal is to cucks does not seem to add up when you're actually talking to cucks because it, apparently by it's definition, is antithetical to their position and kink. It seems to me that the answer to the question of "who does NTR appeal to" is the same as the people you're trying to say are a minority.
But I never said "NTR's greatest appeal is to cucks,"
...i.e. men who want bulls to fuck their queans.
^ these are "cucks" in cuckoldry-speak
At no point has that been my position, or any part of it, so I think we're ok there.
At the outset, my position on erotic netorare manga was that: must most greatly appeal to readers who identify w/ the cuckold.
^ these are "cucks" in online comment-speak, a different thing
Which is horseshit. I have no idea who such manga appeal to.
I did say, as an aside, that some in the cuckoldry world must read erotic netorare manga.
Which still seems fairly likely, on odds alone, but there's no sign of it. If present, they're few a/o quiet.
That was just a tangent of the main discussion, though. Not an important point.
Other things I've been wrong about:
- I've said fiction's audience can be assumed from its apparent "intent". Which is more horseshit.
- I've used terms like "kink", "fetish", & "fan" interchangeably <linguistic imprecision
- I've assumed the equivalence of kinks, fetishes & interests <conceptual imprecision
So I wonder:
What do we actually mean by "NTR", and what can we say about its audience?
I think (?) we're talking about erotic netorare manga featuring THREE MAIN CHARACTERS:
- The Protagonist -- a smoldick "nice guy" <always 1st-person
- The Woman -- the Protag's love interest <typically 3rd-person
- The Intruder -- a bigdick "alpha male" <always 3rd-person
And EIGHT KEY STORY POINTS, occurring in standard sequence:
- The beginning -- stable relationship of Protag to Woman
- The Intruder's arrival -- sudden, obviously malign & threatening
- The Intruder's seduction -- takes Woman dominantly, often by rape
- The Protag's observation -- passively sees/hears this, but does not intervene
- The Woman's awareness & submission -- knows Protag is there, but is lost in surrender
- The Protag's arousal & devastation -- masturbates, sick w/ misery, thrilled by cuckoldry
- The Woman's verbal betrayal -- pledges self to intruder's manhood, denies protag
- The end -- Protag ejaculates, ashamed & humiliated, alone in wretched grief
I suggest we call erotic netorare manga built around these characters & elements "Basic NTR".
And that we've both been talking about Basic NTR all along. I say this because:
- When English-speaking fans of erotic manga say "NTR", they typically mean this kind of netorare.
NTR doesn't necessarily mean netorare.
And netorare isn't limited to downbeat stories about men cuckolded by predatory "alpha" types.
But most English-speaking fans of erotic manga think those things are true, so the point is moot.
In public discussions, the terms are always defined by idiots. - Basic NTR is very popular & reliably makes hordes of online commenters lose their goddam minds.
- This is the only context in which I've regularly seen "identify w/ the alpha, not the cuck" responses.
Basic NTR portrays its characters & tells its story using THREE KEY NARRATIVE DEVICES:
- 1st-person POV to center the Protag's experience -- Only his thoughts/feelings (interiority) are shared
- Story & POV to emphasize being cuckolded -- Protag's interiority heavily stressed at climax/conclusion
- Story, art & POV to create "dark" atmosphere -- End shown as a miserable, hopeless & crushing defeat
Due to these features, the overall tone of Basic NTR suggests an erotic hybrid of horror & tragedy.
And the erotic content of Basic NTR is always a THREE-WAY SEX ACT (w/ arguably queer/bisexual subtext):
- The Intruder -- Fucks the Woman
Ship Kink 1: domination of Woman
Ship Kink 2: indirect domination of Protag - The Woman -- Fucked by the Intruder
aware of watching protag, verbalizes submission
Ship Kink 1: submission to Intruder
Ship Kink 2: exhibitionism
Ship Kink 3: indirect humiliation of Protag - The Protagonist -- Masturbates watching them fuck
Ship Kink 1: voyeurism
Ship Kink 2: submission to Intruder's domination
Ship Kink 3: submission to Woman's humiliation
Basic NTR's characters, story points, narrative devices & erotic content are all set in stone.
I suggest that it would be absurd to simply ignore this in considering its audience.
The the things that define a genre must play some part in its fan-appeal, right?
So I wonder:Why would a anyone become a fan of this pornographic suicide note?
- I identify w/ the Protag -- I get off on being vicariously cuckolded <wins at NTR
- I identify w/ the Protag -- I get off on vicarious pain & humiliation <masochist
- I identify w/ the Intruder -- I get off on sad, masturbating cuckolds <honest
- I identify w/ the Intruder -- I get off on life-wrecking submission <dominant pt. 1
4a. I never noticed how gay it all is, and I enjoy denial <dominant pt. 2a
4b. I totally noticed how gay it all is, and I am down <dominant pt. 2b
4x. I see a hot girl getting fucked, so fuck off with your "gay" shit <noted - I identify w/ the woman -- I get off on vicariously cheating a/o getting taken <hott
- I enjoy the suffering of the weak, as it adds spice to my erection <sadist/vampire
- I feel validated by the "alpha wins, beta loses" real talk <misanthrope/MAGA
- I like horror & tragedy, dark drama, babies in wells <cutter
- I want to see how fucked-up it gets lol <trashfire
- Just here for the comments
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