@boldmonkey You said the same thing the last chapter. The series is and will likely be entirely fan-service focused, it's the author figuring out all the angles that show off the body while bowling. There's plenty of other series that do a similar thing but different situations, this is just the bowling take. I'd say it's very much an anime/manga style of "humor", where they show off all the ways something can be sexual. Personally I'm fine with it, I knew what I was getting into and it's why I'm sticking around. Though I can agree a more serious bowling manga down the road might be fun, but there's room for
both series to exist, one for serious sports and one for fan-service.
It's fine if you view that as "pointless crap" as you said previously, but personally I'd disagree. Why? Simply because I'm entertained. Is my entertainment here highbrow? Not at all, but this series is something that's over the top and silly, which is the only "
point" I really need from it. You talked about GTO last time and sure that's a classic staple of ecchi comedy with good writing, but does every ecchi comedy have to be that? I personally don't think so. I don't think every ecchi comedy has to be that level "quality" either. It can just be some light entertainment and and a decent chuckle. As the saying goes, "one man's trash is another man's treasure", personally I enjoy this type of I guess you could call it junk food. If you don't enjoy it then you should probably find something you find more enjoyable to read instead.