MC lands and sneaks out to get info. Gets discovered by dumb pet and cannot sneak away. Is a soldier but can not subdue a civilian with a wrench, so he escalates the situations by running around with a hostage. Refuses to hide in his mecha for safety and risks dying every second spent outside it. No signs of being Lieutenant material, just some dumb kid following orders. Stupid people are pacifists even with pirates that will rape, enslave, and kill. MC wipes out pirate party and stupid people think the pirates will destroy them despite MC’s capability of instant annihilation. Repeatedly talk about killing him and stealing his things, or handing over to murder hobo pirates despite being pacifists. MC keeps simping for the girl he kidnapped despite being a trained soldier and loses sight of his mission directives. Stupid people make stupid plan to fight pirates with MC, despite MC’s mecha being able to do it solo. Stupid people harmed and have property damage, while pirates spared despite their crimes against humanity. MC is blamed and billed for it, despite the reason why the pirates rape, enslave, and kill is because stupid people won’t hurt or punish pirates. MC must do manual labor and his mecha isn’t allowed to fly for better efficiency.