Let me be blunt: I don't think we see eye to eye, quite possible the policies we want and world view we have are in conflict, but who knows.
Society owes you nothing, women owe you nothing. Most Incels who can't get female companionship have only themselves to blame, not society.
(Soyciety and soy etc. are memes from the places where I want #22 to go btw.
And I have to admit, I do miss decent IBs, feels like all boards are crap now, but I basically stopped going "there" in my mid twenties so almost a decade ago.)
Widespread loneliness plagues all developed societies. No comment on depression, and "nihilism" , well, I am not so sure about that. Suicide? Well...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate <-- could be worse.
Well, the more developed a society is, the less likely people are to reproduce. Yeah, I guess you know these things, but this one I don't see as a problem, well it is if we look at available personal to take care of the elderly and publicly funded pension funds etc.
Death cult? You may or may not agree, but I perceive these as dangerous: Project 2025? MAGA? Christian turbo nationalism?
Oh, well, since you answered where you are from guess I have to do the same: Germany but I am imported from the Soviet Union - well, either way, I am German, for
better or worse.

Depending on the topic and people involved in the discussion it may be better if less personal details are known, some people tend to assume things and categorize on reflex, the resulting generalizations are kinda meh... Potentially. Ehh, whatever.
I think your country will stay intact if no civil war breaks out, I for one don't want a "murkan" civil war.
That is your opinion, I beg to differ... Well, I am also single because I cannot be arsed to deal with what I perceive as "relationship cancer", right now I just wanna do my own thing on my own. For now.
Happens. Am I gonna stop biking because someone could drive me over? Nah... I think my dusty mountain bike needs maintenance. : D
There are shit people regardless of gender. Yes, I know, marvelous insight.
Some years ago a woman told other peeps I beat her, a few people believed her and cut contact with me. Nothing of value was lost. "shrug"
Why did people believe her? Some grew up with her, some did because she was a women ("ding!" societal issue), some believed her because she had bruises since her bf was actually the one beating her.
Should potential fake rape allegations really hinder one to seek out a mate?
Either way, I instantly drop people who are shit, no more issues for years once I got less forgiving. Pull bs once and I instantly cut you out of my life, that's how I operate, once I started doing it 99% of my interpersonal problems vanished.
Not helpful if a parent is missing, but most people aren't shit because they lack a father or a mother...
Nothing is certain, certain defeat is inevitable without at least trying, and it has always been a chase, but yeah, income vs cost of living is becoming shittier by the day in the west. You mentioned respect, but that one is also complicated, I for one honestly don't give a crap what people think about me, it's good enough if family and friends like me... Well, there are people who studied for years, excelled and now are stuck with a shitty boss, so much for respect. They are not really stuck, most people can change their job and other aspects of their life, but not always. A friend of mine hates her boring job, but the pay is good and she has children and the job is secure.
What is that even supposed to mean? I tend to be a loner but even I know 1000 places in the city where I can meet people and 1000 ways how to meet them, even the internet or shitebook (FB - fun fact, I never made a FB acc) etc. may be of help.
And I feel like the USA is more outgoing than
Yurop Europe, so... Yeah, there are also rural areas and the south so idk.
English, heh, what's the issue?
Well, most incels are indeed at fault they can't get a girl, at least from what I can see irl and on the internet. Heck, I have friends I grew up with, they are their own worst enemy, and yep, there are even Femcels. : D
Last year my mother complained about "femcels" she knows irl, thought men didn't have >those< kind of people since "they are less into bs", she was surprised when I told her there are a lot more "Incels". : D
These, those, there's my "verrrry gud" English again. Anyway, I don't want children, I don't wanna marry so no wife for me. Gf again when I feel like it, but currently it's a nope.
Nah, but the division is rising and the industry is suffering a bit without cheap Russian gas, was also retarded to phase out nuclear power in the country, but we will manage. Yes, there are other issues too, but ehh...
E: >developed society vs birth rate
Education, income, Maslow, secularism, non conservative values and whatnot, but most importantly: contraception
Ehh, and private or public social nets and retirement plans and so on, but what do I know, maybe some expert in demographics or sociology knows more.
E2: And yes, if I fall in love again and she really wants children, yes, I could change my mind, and maybe we'll even get married, but I don't want that, but who knows what the future will bring. Please spare me.

E3: post hopefully fix'd
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Happiness_Report << mmmm
This map is from an article from 2013:
Ahh, yes, Bezos owns this newspaper.