Super Ball Girls - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - Reimei

Apr 10, 2023
I am sure you'd feel more at home at 1469chan or something.

del in 3 months
I feel like you're using the meme dismissively, but men not getting basic things like community, and respect is very much a sign of collapse.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I feel like you're using the meme dismissively
men not getting
sign of collapse.
Well, the western country I am living in is doing quite well. ;)

So back to the entitlement:
Now, are these soycietal issues or personal issues?
Things don't just fall into your lap, you have to work for it. Mind you, I am in my mid 30s, but I still know people my age irl who can't get laid and most of them don't even speak to women outside of family or work so potential partners don't even know about them. Yes, so basically people don't even know they exist. Since I speak to people (I leave my man cave occasionally) of all ages and genders and whatnot I know there are incels and dreamers of all colours and genders, it is their problem. Either way, no society is free of problems, some have a lot more, some less.

If you can change it and want to change it, do something about it. If you cannot change it, why worry? My (non)wishes aside, the sun will rise again tomorrow and the day after. It's hard to change society, it's easier to change oneself. Blaming others for self made problems is immature, just a coping mechanism, protects one from (wanted or not) change and stunts growth: "If it's not my fault but Soycieties then I cannot do anything about it, It's not mah fault!!1" - spoken by a person who is now developmentally stuck.

One should not blame others for their own self made problems.

I am glad I wasn't born in some war torn country to be levied, force recruited into death, glad I wasn't born a women in some country where women are slaves, glad I wasn't born in some country where children are forced into slavery and I am glad my country isn't as polarized and divided as Uncle Sam.

@ #22: Your point?
Inb4 cope replies to my post: There is sexism against men and women, even as a whoite chad man I had the displeasure to be the target, and not just once. This sexism shit is cancer and has to disappear from society.
Gimme moar egalitarianism and utilitarianism. <3

E2: @ #22: Well, since I have to spell it out: my point is, it could be a fitting home for you, don't you agree? ;)
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Apr 10, 2023
Brevity is the soul of wit, but we could use a bit less soul: I don't know what you're trying to say here.
Well, the western country I am living in is doing quite well.
Which one is that? Because in America, we've got all the markers of collapse. From widespread loneliness, depression, nihilism, and suicide, to the age of marriage climbing nearly past women's fertility window, and, among many other things, the rise of a death cult.
Now, are these soycietal issues or personal issues?
"Societal issues" are just a bunch of personal issues clumped together- the same way flesh is just a bunch of cells combined.
Things don't just fall into your lap, you have to work for it. Mind you, I am in my mid 30s, but I still know people my age irl who can't get laid and most of them don't even speak to women outside of family or work so potential partners don't even know about them.
No point in that these days, especially with false sexual assault accusations, promiscuity, and other fatherless behavior being prevalent. Even trudging through doesn't guarantee you love, respect, and success, so it's all stick, and no carrot. Not to mention the fact that men and women don't drink from the same well anymore, so there's no real opportunity to meet people.
If you can change it and want to change it, do something about it. If you cannot change it, why worry? My (non)wishes aside, the sun will rise again tomorrow and the day after. It's hard to change society, it's easier to change oneself. Blaming others for self made problems is immature, just a coping mechanism, protects one from (wanted or not) change and stunts growth: "If it's not my fault but Soycieties then I cannot do anything about it, It's not mah fault!!1" - spoken by a person who is now developmentally stuck.
I get the sense English isn't your first language. But I think you're saying that it's men's fault they can't find wives?
I am glad I wasn't born in some war torn country to be levied, force recruited into death, glad I wasn't born a women in some country where women are slaves, glad I wasn't born in some country where children are forced into slavery and I am glad my country isn't as polarized and divided as Uncle Sam.
I can't really comment on your country. But since it seems Western, I assume it's got basically the same problems.
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Active member
Jan 27, 2024
Fun chapter, We might get a lot of fusions going forward and those will probably be less messy than that the flesh beast on the train. Autumn and Ass-chan hyrbrid feels like a safe pick if I where to bet on one that will happen. Reimei and the psycho is also a interesting combo. Sara is likely to stay as she is for a while, experimenting with fusing other ball girls together first. The question is if the merged forms are permanent or if the can return to their og forms.

This isnt a harem manga and should be relabeled since ppl will go in expecting something that it isnt. The stuff about it being ntr is also nonsense.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Let me be blunt: I don't think we see eye to eye, quite possible the policies we want and world view we have are in conflict, but who knows.

I don't know what you're trying to say here.
Society owes you nothing, women owe you nothing. Most Incels who can't get female companionship have only themselves to blame, not society.
(Soyciety and soy etc. are memes from the places where I want #22 to go btw.
And I have to admit, I do miss decent IBs, feels like all boards are crap now, but I basically stopped going "there" in my mid twenties so almost a decade ago.)

in America, we've got all the markers of collapse. From widespread loneliness, depression, nihilism, and suicide, to the age of marriage climbing nearly past women's fertility window, and, among many other things, the rise of a death cult.
Widespread loneliness plagues all developed societies. No comment on depression, and "nihilism" , well, I am not so sure about that. Suicide? Well... <-- could be worse.

Well, the more developed a society is, the less likely people are to reproduce. Yeah, I guess you know these things, but this one I don't see as a problem, well it is if we look at available personal to take care of the elderly and publicly funded pension funds etc.

Death cult? You may or may not agree, but I perceive these as dangerous: Project 2025? MAGA? Christian turbo nationalism?

Oh, well, since you answered where you are from guess I have to do the same: Germany but I am imported from the Soviet Union - well, either way, I am German, for better or worse. ;) Depending on the topic and people involved in the discussion it may be better if less personal details are known, some people tend to assume things and categorize on reflex, the resulting generalizations are kinda meh... Potentially. Ehh, whatever.

I think your country will stay intact if no civil war breaks out, I for one don't want a "murkan" civil war.

No point in that these days
That is your opinion, I beg to differ... Well, I am also single because I cannot be arsed to deal with what I perceive as "relationship cancer", right now I just wanna do my own thing on my own. For now. ;)

false sexual assault accusations
Happens. Am I gonna stop biking because someone could drive me over? Nah... I think my dusty mountain bike needs maintenance. : D
There are shit people regardless of gender. Yes, I know, marvelous insight.

Some years ago a woman told other peeps I beat her, a few people believed her and cut contact with me. Nothing of value was lost. "shrug"
Why did people believe her? Some grew up with her, some did because she was a women ("ding!" societal issue), some believed her because she had bruises since her bf was actually the one beating her.

Should potential fake rape allegations really hinder one to seek out a mate?
Either way, I instantly drop people who are shit, no more issues for years once I got less forgiving. Pull bs once and I instantly cut you out of my life, that's how I operate, once I started doing it 99% of my interpersonal problems vanished.

fatherless behavior
Not helpful if a parent is missing, but most people aren't shit because they lack a father or a mother...

Even trudging through doesn't guarantee you love, respect, and success, so it's all carrot, and no stick.
Nothing is certain, certain defeat is inevitable without at least trying, and it has always been a chase, but yeah, income vs cost of living is becoming shittier by the day in the west. You mentioned respect, but that one is also complicated, I for one honestly don't give a crap what people think about me, it's good enough if family and friends like me... Well, there are people who studied for years, excelled and now are stuck with a shitty boss, so much for respect. They are not really stuck, most people can change their job and other aspects of their life, but not always. A friend of mine hates her boring job, but the pay is good and she has children and the job is secure.

Not to mention the fact that men and women don't drink from the same well anymore, so there's no real opportunity to meet people.
What is that even supposed to mean? I tend to be a loner but even I know 1000 places in the city where I can meet people and 1000 ways how to meet them, even the internet or shitebook (FB - fun fact, I never made a FB acc) etc. may be of help.
And I feel like the USA is more outgoing than Yurop Europe, so... Yeah, there are also rural areas and the south so idk.

I get the sense English isn't your first language. But I think you're saying that it's men's fault they can't find wives?
English, heh, what's the issue?
Well, most incels are indeed at fault they can't get a girl, at least from what I can see irl and on the internet. Heck, I have friends I grew up with, they are their own worst enemy, and yep, there are even Femcels. : D
Last year my mother complained about "femcels" she knows irl, thought men didn't have >those< kind of people since "they are less into bs", she was surprised when I told her there are a lot more "Incels". : D

These, those, there's my "verrrry gud" English again. Anyway, I don't want children, I don't wanna marry so no wife for me. Gf again when I feel like it, but currently it's a nope.

I assume it's got basically the same problems.
Nah, but the division is rising and the industry is suffering a bit without cheap Russian gas, was also retarded to phase out nuclear power in the country, but we will manage. Yes, there are other issues too, but ehh...


E: >developed society vs birth rate
Education, income, Maslow, secularism, non conservative values and whatnot, but most importantly: contraception
Ehh, and private or public social nets and retirement plans and so on, but what do I know, maybe some expert in demographics or sociology knows more.
E2: And yes, if I fall in love again and she really wants children, yes, I could change my mind, and maybe we'll even get married, but I don't want that, but who knows what the future will bring. Please spare me. o_O
E3: post hopefully fix'd

E4: << mmmm
This map is from an article from 2013:
Ahh, yes, Bezos owns this newspaper.
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Apr 10, 2023
Society owes you nothing, women owe you nothing. Most Incels who can't get female companionship have only themselves to blame, not society.
A society exists for the benefit of its members. A society that doesn't provide for its members is a failure, and it effectively already collapsed. Why do you think people make and follow rules? Shits and giggles? We have norms and laws so that everyone is better off when they're followed. If you think that people are supposed to just subscribe to one without being owed a benefit, you reject the very basis of the construct.

Widespread loneliness plagues all developed societies. No comment on depression, and "nihilism" , well, I am not so sure about that. Suicide? Well... <-- could be worse.
I know the developed world is on the brink of collapse, don't worry. It's why I brought it up.
Well, the more developed a society is, the less likely people are to reproduce. Yeah, I guess you know these things, but this one I don't see as a problem, well it is if we look at available personal to take care of the elderly and publicly funded pension funds etc.
This isn't about reproduction; we're not in relationships anymore.
Oh, well, since you answered where you are from guess I have to do the same: Germany but I am imported from the Soviet Union - well, either way, I am German, for better or worse.
Yeah, that's not a great place. Oh boy.
Death cult?
Yeah. Marxist Communists. They've infiltrated every facet of global life, and have made great efforts to systematically destroy every pillar that underpins it. Between the destruction of concepts of law, order, morality, and duty, to the physical destruction of cities, monuments, and markets, to now the attempted assassination of President Trump- and all the other things I don't have time to bring up... there's been nothing more destructive to this world.
I think your country will stay intact if no civil war breaks out, I for one don't want a "murkan" civil war.
After yesterday, it's probably too late to avoid one.
"Happens" is not a valid response. A single word and your entire life is ruined. Your reputation is gone, your accuser faces no consequences, your job is lost, and even going to court to clear your name doesn't fix anything. All this risk so you can spend a short while with used goods, and, best-case scenario, get dumped before you end up married, leaves you no incentive to play.

Here's a game: You have a warehouse full of doors. Most doors are set to pelt you in the face with a pile of shit if you open then, a handful will kick you in the nuts, and the winning door will get you a stale Honey Bun. What sane Human being would play?
Not helpful if a parent is missing, but most people aren't shit because they lack a father or a mother...
I said "Father", not mother. Fathers are critical in the healthy development of a child. I'd say that almost all convicts are fatherless, but somehow that's still understating the problem.

English, heh, what's the issue?
I don't know. All the sentences made sense on their own, but they didn't build to make anything bigger, somehow. It was weird.
Nah, but the division is rising and the industry is suffering a bit without cheap Russian gas, was also retarded to phase out nuclear power in the country, but we will manage. Yes, there are other issues too, but ehh...
I still remember New Year's Eve in Cologne.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2019
Let me be blunt: I don't think we see eye to eye, quite possible the policies we want and world view we have are in conflict, but who knows.

Society owes you nothing, women owe you nothing. Most Incels who can't get female companionship have only themselves to blame, not society.
(Soyciety and soy etc. are memes from the places where I want #22 to go btw.
And I have to admit, I do miss decent IBs, feels like all boards are crap now, but I basically stopped going "there" in my mid twenties so almost a decade ago.)

Widespread loneliness plagues all developed societies. No comment on depression, and "nihilism" , well, I am not so sure about that. Suicide? Well... <-- could be worse.

Well, the more developed a society is, the less likely people are to reproduce. Yeah, I guess you know these things, but this one I don't see as a problem, well it is if we look at available personal to take care of the elderly and publicly funded pension funds etc.

Death cult? You may or may not agree, but I perceive these as dangerous: Project 2025? MAGA? Christian turbo nationalism?

Oh, well, since you answered where you are from guess I have to do the same: Germany but I am imported from the Soviet Union - well, either way, I am German, for better or worse. ;) Depending on the topic and people involved in the discussion it may be better if less personal details are known, some people tend to assume things and categorize on reflex, the resulting generalizations are kinda meh... Potentially. Ehh, whatever.

I think your country will stay intact if no civil war breaks out, I for one don't want a "murkan" civil war.

That is your opinion, I beg to differ... Well, I am also single because I cannot be arsed to deal with what I perceive as "relationship cancer", right now I just wanna do my own thing on my own. For now. ;)

Happens. Am I gonna stop biking because someone could drive me over? Nah... I think my dusty mountain bike needs maintenance. : D
There are shit people regardless of gender. Yes, I know, marvelous insight.

Some years ago a woman told other peeps I beat her, a few people believed her and cut contact with me. Nothing of value was lost. "shrug"
Why did people believe her? Some grew up with her, some did because she was a women ("ding!" societal issue), some believed her because she had bruises since her bf was actually the one beating her.

Should potential fake rape allegations really hinder one to seek out a mate?
Either way, I instantly drop people who are shit, no more issues for years once I got less forgiving. Pull bs once and I instantly cut you out of my life, that's how I operate, once I started doing it 99% of my interpersonal problems vanished.

Not helpful if a parent is missing, but most people aren't shit because they lack a father or a mother...

Nothing is certain, certain defeat is inevitable without at least trying, and it has always been a chase, but yeah, income vs cost of living is becoming shittier by the day in the west. You mentioned respect, but that one is also complicated, I for one honestly don't give a crap what people think about me, it's good enough if family and friends like me... Well, there are people who studied for years, excelled and now are stuck with a shitty boss, so much for respect. They are not really stuck, most people can change their job and other aspects of their life, but not always. A friend of mine hates her boring job, but the pay is good and she has children and the job is secure.

What is that even supposed to mean? I tend to be a loner but even I know 1000 places in the city where I can meet people and 1000 ways how to meet them, even the internet or shitebook (FB - fun fact, I never made a FB acc) etc. may be of help.
And I feel like the USA is more outgoing than Yurop Europe, so... Yeah, there are also rural areas and the south so idk.

English, heh, what's the issue?
Well, most incels are indeed at fault they can't get a girl, at least from what I can see irl and on the internet. Heck, I have friends I grew up with, they are their own worst enemy, and yep, there are even Femcels. : D
Last year my mother complained about "femcels" she knows irl, thought men didn't have >those< kind of people since "they are less into bs", she was surprised when I told her there are a lot more "Incels". : D

These, those, there's my "verrrry gud" English again. Anyway, I don't want children, I don't wanna marry so no wife for me. Gf again when I feel like it, but currently it's a nope.

Nah, but the division is rising and the industry is suffering a bit without cheap Russian gas, was also retarded to phase out nuclear power in the country, but we will manage. Yes, there are other issues too, but ehh...


E: >developed society vs birth rate
Education, income, Maslow, secularism, non conservative values and whatnot, but most importantly: contraception
Ehh, and private or public social nets and retirement plans and so on, but what do I know, maybe some expert in demographics or sociology knows more.
E2: And yes, if I fall in love again and she really wants children, yes, I could change my mind, and maybe we'll even get married, but I don't want that, but who knows what the future will bring. Please spare me. o_O
E3: post hopefully fix'd

E4: << mmmm
This map is from an article from 2013:
Ahh, yes, Bezos owns this newspaper.
Lol. success = imma preach in manga section
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
A society exists for the benefit of its members. A society that doesn't provide for its members is a failure, and it effectively already collapsed. Why do you think people make and follow rules? Shits and giggles? We have norms and laws so that everyone is better off when they're followed. If you think that people are supposed to just subscribe to one without being owed a benefit, you reject the very basis of the construct.
Well, that's correct but you still have to put in effort, do your part. So society owes me x is imo a retarded statement.
There are societies which do provide wives and other shit, but that is not for me.

Most people are shit, someone who wants me to earn x or work job y or drive car z is indeed not worth my time, but she is free to have such demands just as I am free to pass on her, there are other fish in the pond, she can choose and see what she gets and so do I.

I know the developed world is on the brink of collapse, don't worry. It's why I brought it up.
Yeah, that's not a great place. Oh boy.
I strongly disagree. But ehh, what do I know as a German.

This isn't about reproduction; we're not in relationships anymore.
Wat. I can have a relationshit just fine, people around me have relationships just fine. "shakes head"
Some of my friends even have a kid or 3. Yes, I am talking about a loving, functioning relationship.

Yeah. Marxist Communists. They've infiltrated every facet of global life, and have made great efforts to systematically destroy every facet of life. Between the destruction of concepts of law, order, morality, and duty, to the physical destruction of cities, monuments, and markets, to now the attempted assassination of President Trump- and all the other things I don't have time to bring up... there's been nothing more destructive to this world.
Oh boy...
I'll be frank with you, I am of the opinion you are utterly wrong.

I feel the "enemy" you perceive is mostly made up, but there is no way in hell I am gonna convince you otherwise... And since I am no saint: Not that I even want to convince you, you do you. o _ O

What sane Human being would play?
Most people, and yes, that includes women -- badum-tss, want the same as you: Love, food, sex, safety etc. (it's Maslow again, probably middle school baby sociology 101) The crazy skanks and dicks aren't the majority. That is reality.

I said "Father", not mother. Fathers are critical in the healthy development of a child. I'd say that almost all convicts are fatherless, but somehow that's still understating the problem.
From what little sociology I know: Mothers are more important. About the convicts: Nooooot sure if that is true...

I don't know. All the sentences made sense on their own, but they didn't build to make anything bigger, somehow. It was weird.
Ahh, pardon me, that is obviously, entirely on me, yeah, I guess my recent indulgence in IBs ("relapse" x D) is to blame, or so I think, maybe I just have the tendency to write like that, after all it is easy but not eloquent. This and that, there is my "verry gud" English once again. : D

I still remember New Year's Eve in Cologne.
That is true, I forgot about that one. The new years mass rape caused by immigrants. I had this and similar arguments with other more conservative people irl and on the internet.
My position: Obviously deport and/or imprison all rapists, deny them residency etc. -> punish all criminals, don't let criminals in the country
Quite possible the police also failed to do their job...

But it is more complicated than that: It is true that immigrants from Africa / The Middle East are (see official German police statistics) 10 to 1000 times more likely to commit crimes (depending on the crime), but the vast majority of them are still not criminals -> if you have (made up numbers, cannot be arsed to look them up) say 5 stabbings per 100k Germans and immigrants from mentioned places cause 500 per 100k (once again made up numbers), the vast majority is still innocent.

Integration is also an issue, some bad parts of some cities are in a bad shape.

Well, yeah, I think I know the position of conservatives, nationalists (or patriots) and also of racists on the immigration stuff, there is also the issue with economic immigrants, welfare leeches and actual refugees etc.
E2: Ahh, and yes, the immigrant male to female ratio is also a thing.

Lol. success = imma preach in manga section
Guess only basement dwelling dweebs post here, eh?

E3: And holy fucking shit, it is insane how divided United Statians are °_° It's really fucking bonkers, holy &%$§!

I'd say that almost all convicts are fatherless
I did 3s "research", and in conclusion: Most likely true. Mmmm. Also 3s "research": Seems like the majority of black kids in the US also have this problem.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023


You should tag properly man, or you didnt want me to reply ? :haa:
Dont get how me saying "sloppy seconds" got you triggered but you should then not dwell what other asian countries call these sloozies online... or South American ones...or Africa ones...or the middle east lol.
Anyway - My reply to you: I visit whatever I think I need to visit it for. If you want me to life in a bubble like some reddit/twitter bot im sorry to say you will not be pleased with my answear.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Awwww, &%$! Sorry about that. :( Gonna fix it now. E: Wait, I am still sorry but that must be some bug in the forum SW since I marked and used the popped up reply arrow. Damn, who knows what even went wrong. o_O

E2: Was indeed a bug, displayed while editing as replies to the right person, the preview button fixed it all and I resent the post.

got you triggered
It didn't, just thought I got a hit and it was more or less a shit post, but I do think at least the self incel'd incels are wrong.
If you want me to life in a bubble like some reddit/twitter bot
Who would even want that?
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023
This isnt a harem manga and should be relabeled since ppl will go in expecting something that it isnt. The stuff about it being ntr is also nonsense.
Agree, which is my main beef with this manga as it was a bait and switch. It started with a harem theme/traits as it was market as a Harem. However, 33 chapters in and we can clearly see it has nothing to do with it as its more focused on action and supernatural stuff, which the author clearly enjoys more. Perhaps thats why the MC is none existent and everything is focused on random chicks.

I cant check if the tags got removed by the publisher, but MangaDex normaly removes/adds tags when its done by the publisher first.
Apr 10, 2023
Well, that's correct but you still have to put in effort, do your part. So society owes me x is imo a retarded statement.
Most people are shit, someone who wants me to earn x or work job y or drive car z is indeed not worth my time, but she is free to have such demands just as I am free to pass on her, there are other fish in the pond, she can choose and see what she gets and so do I.
The video goes with the stuff that came before it. You're almost there, buddy. You've got all the parts to figure it out: Guys want girls->They're told what to do->They do the thing->Nobody owes them. Rinse and repeat until you give up.
Wat. I can have a relationshit just fine, people around me have relationships just fine. "shakes head"
Doesn't sound like you've married and had kids. Hell, it doesn't sound like you've even got a long-term, spouse-like woman. This is the exact definition of "not having a relationship".

Some of my friends even have a kid or 3. Yes, I am talking about a loving, functioning relationship.
Good. Almost nobody does. And I'm counting down for those relationship of theirs to inevitably crumble.
Oh boy...
I'll be frank with you, I am of the opinion you are utterly wrong.
Then you haven't been paying attention. At all.
I feel the "enemy" you perceive is mostly made up
Look up "It's not gonna lick itself dallas" if you want to have a bad day. Then realize that this is exactly what firms like Blackrock spread. Honestly, if you have literally no idea what I'm talking about, you've been ignoring politics for over a decade at this point.
The crazy skanks and dicks aren't the majority. That is reality.
Yeah they are. What a weird thing to say. Most "dating" doesn't have marriage and kids as an end goal. It's literally just people playing house until the woman gets bored and leaves.
From what little sociology I know: Mothers are more important.
Yeah, for infants, mostly. Men have no natural instincts to care for infants.

About the convicts: Nooooot sure if that is true...
Congrats on being one of the lucky 10,000.

But it is more complicated than that: It is true that immigrants from Africa / The Middle East are (see official German police statistics) 10 to 1000 times more likely to commit crimes (depending on the crime), but the vast majority of them are still not criminals
My dude, my Brother in Christ, my Kumpel, my Alter... if you find yourself saying anything along the lines of "Ok, they terrorized an entire city for a whole night, raping every woman they could find, and blew up fireworks in people's faces... and yeah, they're 10 to 1,000 times more likely to commit crimes... BUT..." You need to stop, take a breath, and re-evaluate. You are deep inside a hole of luxury beliefs, and this is your wake up call.

This isn't even a 13/50 situation like in the US. Just under 5% would put them at 50% of the crime in your country, AT BEST. Not to mention all the crimes that literally wouldn't exist save for them being there, like the no-go zones. Like, I think the biggest disparity I've ever heard for any crime at all was white-on-black rape vs. black-on-white rape- where white on black happens 192x less often: A rounding error. I remember doing the crime numbers back in the day, but not once did I ever come up with a disparity of 100,000%.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
You're almost there, buddy.
M8, I am on the net, I also grew up with Imageboards and other uncensored places on the web, I heard it all a 1000 times and I also talk to people irl.

Never heard of it. Aaand after 3s search: Guess I heard of it.
Blackrock, huh? I'll refrain from discussing child abuse and conspiracy theories about investment firms. Yes, yes, I know about Blackrock.
Sigh, there is (sexual) abuse in religious (not just Catholic) institutions and yet the vast majority of people who work there, visit there, share the beliefs aren't abusers or diddle kids.

Yeah they are. What a weird thing to say. Most "dating" doesn't have marriage and kids as an end goal.
So what? I am not religious and don't want kids, I am 99% certain I wont be making any kids because I really don't want any, but people are free to think that's wrong. Someone wants kids? Good for them.

It's literally just people playing house

until the woman gets bored and leaves.
Well, women end relationshits more often than man. "shrug"

and yeah, they're 10 to 1,000 times more likely to commit crimes... BUT
First: As I said, the actual numbers of crimes per 100k were made up since I am too lazy to look them up, but the factors of 10 to 1000 are actually true, at least the last time I looked at the numbers they were correct, I did that possibly over 5 years ago sometime after the Syria-IS thing, and I bet the factors still mostly correct.

M8, if 25 people of 100000 rob in country x and immigrants from y in that country do 2500 such stints per 100000 immigrants from y, that means the vast majority aren't criminals. No one sane who has seen the police statics denies immigrants, especially from certain areas, do more crime. So, let's take a war torn country, people don't want to get killed and they flee, you'd not let them in? I would, or at least I'd cast my vote in favour.

Economic immigrants are another topic and welfare leeches are yet another... Don't get me wrong, I understand people who want to be safe, who want their loved ones to be safe, people who don't want more or any crime in the country, so by some I am considered an enemy... But the vast majority of immigrants, even from Africa or the ME are not criminals.

like the no-go zones.
M8, (almost) no such a thing in Germany. We don't have Sharia Zones (kek) like Britistan. We do have run down areas in some cities with a significantly higher crime rate than the rest, but I bet my ass they are safer than most metropolitan areas in the USA...

An "anecdote": Some ex from a friend, I got along with her really well, was raped by an immigrant from the Soviet Union, so she hates almost all Slavs from Russia and surrounding states, but big surprise, she was fine with me since "I am not like them", so I was welcome in their home. She'd vote against people like me coming to the country, in fact she loathes people from there. Actually, after that happened, she'd even approve of genocide... Oh, and she also liked my then little brother, a moeblobb. :3

I think I am done for my part, thank you, I wish you the best.
Apr 10, 2023
M8, I am on the net, I also grew up with Imageboards and other uncensored places on the web, I heard it all a 1000 times and I also talk to people irl.
Right. I got that part. I'm encouraging you to put it together.

"Why don't you work?"
"My boss tells me he doesn't owe me money when I do"
"Sounds like a skill issue"
Blackrock, huh? I'll refrain from discussing child abuse and conspiracy theories about investment firms. Yes, yes, I know about Blackrock.
Not a conspiracy theory; Literal stated goals, and the basis of their business model.
Sigh, there is (sexual) abuse in religious (not just Catholic) institutions and yet the vast majority of people who work there, visit there, share the beliefs aren't abusers or diddle kids.
"But the Cathlics" isn't a response. This is an open, widespread, and celebrated problem. A couple priests molesting some choir boys then being shuffled around to some remote post is incomparable to any of what you just saw.
So... it's not a relationship. The point of those is to have and raise strong, healthy children.

As I said, the actual numbers of crimes per 100k were made up since I am too lazy to look them up, but the factors of 10 to 1000 are actually true,
I know. When people admit things that are inconvenient for them, you can be damn sure it's true.
M8, (almost) no such a thing in Germany. We don't have Sharia Zones (kek) like Britistan. We do have run down areas in some cities with a significantly higher crime rate than the rest, but I bet my ass they are safer than most metropolitan areas in the USA...
By the sounds of it more than half of Marxloh residents aren't citizens. If they commit crimes at least 10 times more often than natives, the natives themselves would have to commit half as much crime as White Americans to maybe be as safe as places like Portland, Oregon (Note: Not safe). But most metropolitan areas in the US are run by Communists to begin with, so it's a tight race, I'd say.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I know. When people admit things that are inconvenient for them, you can be damn sure it's true.
I trust actual facts backed by evidence, based on facts I form my world view, based on facts I act, or so I'd like to believe since everyone is biased, at least to a certain degree.
I tried to skim through the current police crime and immigration stuff stuff stuff but it's 0.34h here so my brain is semi offline.

E: No offense, but I hope you have female friends you can talk to, to hear what they have to say.

E2: Oh well, there is also the stuff like doing what I think is right etc. -> there goes the quantifiable data based stuff. : D
- > Not stuffing my body with sugar because it's unhealthy and I'd destroy not just my liver, picking bread A over B because it's my preference, after all I am not a machine. : D
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