That would be pretty short sighted. Nobody gets a wish if they don't succeed, so it's way too early to try taking out the competition when they're already under strength for the threat they need to face. Doesn't mean no one would do it though.
What do you not understand about Socializer/Killers almost exclusively being Psychopaths and Sociopaths? This is both the logical, and tropeiest way to handle the quest.
Also, youre assuming The Goddess plans to actually honor the deal. Considering she never presented any stick to Ayano and further let Ayano extrapolate what the threat to the world is, i refuse to accept logic which requires the Goddess to be a clean actor in the story. The Goddess is clearly withholding information and intentionally manipulating Ayano, why when everyone else is a successful broker or lawyer or engineer would she oNLY be manipulating the VA?