Taimashi to Akuma-chan

Mar 16, 2018
never have I needed something, knowing full well it will make me ugly cry, as much as a prequel series for this manga
Aug 30, 2020
this is cute honestly, wondering what's gonna happen at the end. hope its translations get nere soon 😭 someone spoil me
Feb 6, 2020
wow hahaha idk if i have really bad tastes in manga or if some people are just really mean here in mangadex
ah wait sorry maybe that's a strong word, more like... a lot are a kind of critic of sorts(?) idk hahaha
i'm a user that came from another aggregator site. scanlator grps and a few of my friends recommended me to read here in mangadex more but WOAH i did not expect or knew that it's more kinda harsh here in ratings and comments sections hahaha maybe cause i came from a site where everyone is kinda peaceful and supportive of sorts..? idk hahaha
well either way this is a really good manga (for me) :> <3
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019

well, the more people here, the wider opinions you will got

just enjoy what you like, there is no need to thinking abt other's critics which come from someone with different taste and perspective
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 14, 2019
@BetterLeftUnknown honestly. Mangadex is pretty trash when it comes to comments. The more popular it is, the trashier the comments. But i still think that its at least better than scanlator disqus, even i found my comments pretty fucking garbage there lol.

I think its because you cant rate comments on mangadex that it made it easier to post a comment that has shit hot takes in it. Plus mangadex doesnt do a good job at notifying you that your comments are beng 'ratioed'
Feb 6, 2020
@bejad007 ah true, but i guess i was just used to the site i was reading before (i still read there haha) where what you rate is what you literally get, and the gallery, the reviews section and comments section is what you depend on if reading it is really even worth it. and sometimes if the summary wasn't provided by the site, someone will make it in the review section for convenience sake. in mangadex i just half guess shit if it's worth it before reading it which i guess sometimes waste my time HHAHAHA

@ImDanGrow HAHAHA true if it's popular and i really like it i try to check if people in the comment section also like it but thn i just get disappointed with peeps saying stuff but well yeah i guess just like bejad007, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. hahah and about the comment here YES hahahah that is so true. but welp that and maybe because i'm still not used with how people comment here as well HAHAHA

ANYWAY thanks for the replies mah dudes :> hope you guys stay safe
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
thanks for the kind words, I hope you doing fine too

while the comments is trash, there are also a feature which u could use :

-add friend and direct chat, so you could ask for their opinions abt some manga, or even exchange point of perspective. Click someone name, and add them as friend

-MD list, if enabled your follow/reading list will be shown to others, so anyone who want to know your preference could easily check it

-forum, to read interesting discussion, or even make your own treat for recommendations for certain criteria
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
Can someone tell me is the manga develops 'that' way? Any serious romance and such or just teasing.
I'm currently in chapter 11 but consider to drop it.
I don't mind with human-demon's relationship or furry stuff or etc etc tho. It's nice, cute but I find it unsettling. Yeah, everything feels so wrong to me.
Jun 12, 2020
Have you ever read that title, It's my Life or something about a retiring knight. This is kind of that, but more wholesome.
Aug 7, 2020
This is the kind of stuff that makes me smile despite all the hardships i may have, i wish it would have new chapters more frequently tho
Apr 10, 2020
I know this series is completed but........can it go on forever. I haven't smiled like this in forever and I just binged what is out so far, I need more of this in my life.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2020
@shk017 I've watched the short anime and it was good, though I don't know about the manga. Guess I'll read it then.
Feb 22, 2020
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's more chapters than what's shown here, even though it's shown as 'completed'. MAL says it has 60 total.

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