It lives!!!
Basic recap of I remember correctly: Recently unsealed Kitty (named Tatari) demon helped by broke boy, Kitty becomes chill with him. Boy has extremely sick sister(different fathers) with some sort of organ failure and so boy works some jobs. Boy dies and kitty possesses his body and vows for vengeance. It’s later revealed that boy is from exorcist/sorcerer family (don’t really remember) and his death was a result of his siblings’ battle to inherit family name or power. And I think as of now Tatari is participating in a running competition taking place in another country in order to confront and find out more about sorcerer family and the death of the boy.
Edit: It’s a mafia and the inheritors each have their own yokai which they got from their dad which he got from the onmyouji(exorcist) clan. Also there is no apparent family succession, they killed Takeru solely to increase their own portion of the inheritance.