Apparently the PV (promotional video) included an extra page so maybe it was accidentally left out after the page with the awkward "Despite our hand size difference I could still understand Uta's hand(?). I wonder why" part.
I translated what happens after they come back home to see Reiichi on the couch:
Hah? Reiichi-kun?
What's up?
What happened to work? What's going on?
They allowed me to take time off for various reasons.
The wedding anniversary is very important to you afterall.
They let you off even though you forgot about it?
That's too nice of them.
My boss felt sorry for me...💦 (sweating in text box)
Reiichi (in a flashback from work, there are no text responses to him):
I'll take you out anywhere tomorrow in return.
Is this place fine?
Let's go there tomorrow.
(Back to the scene where Uta is thinking "sigh, I forgot I'm to reality again")