So why snipe ? Work on stuff that's been dropped instead.
pareto principle works even with fan translations. So you'll have 5 groups trying to translate a popular manga for views while half my mangadex list hasn't been touched in 6+ months.
On topic:
is a report possible? I'm sick of it, every time a active group translate a popular manga
That's the group link. there should be a block button there, similar to a user profile.
There's no real point in "reporting" because sniping isn't against any rules. That's why Mangadex doesn't "lock" a manga to a specific group. Imagine the drama if they did.
And here I saw a new chapter and thought I'll have a nice time. Instead, I see that it's not a usual group, but a pair of 2 snipers, and I know for sure that the whole comment section will be full of snipedrama.
Yeah, feels bad. None of us own this nor are making money off it, TBH I don't really care who translates. Does make me feel bad when more niche stuff isn't touched while others argue to translate stuff like this. But I can't force people to translate what I want.
Also, on another tangent, I also do find it a tiny bit funny when every chapter has comments like "wow adult romances are so good". Glad people are finally discovering seinen lol. Or avoiding the "drama" tag at least (because yea, some people do like drama).