The unintentional comedy of this manga its really goodMan, their plan's terrible morally tactically and factually.
One of the drawings that the mangaka has on his Pixiv is of Ryukka and Nini, so maybe she will join the group. (Although I prefer Manabu, Kou needs a bro (Apart from Ryukka))From the perspective of the semi-omniscient reader, they let in two kids who can and likely will sic a large horde of zombies at them if they rack up enough of their bad side. If they can't get out before the two decide to leave them with a huge horde, I'm assuming the flying water bear/trilobyte would just annihilate them and give the three a chance to regroup and skedaddle, probably leaving the kids to follow them/ recruit them or something.
Yeah but it's in Spanish so it doesn't count.Project Lazarus. THE premier name for things that invent Resurrection, Zombies, Ghosts and Other Bullshit. RZGOB
In the original it was in English and I guess the point is that it's something that came from outside of Japan at some point.Yeah but it's in Spanish so it doesn't count.