I'm still rooting for Yasuke to win, but I like how the last chapter gave some actual texture to Togo's character, as well. How he was once this seemingly noble, "normal" person who reacted to trauma by trying to become so strong he'd never need to feel pain or fear again. He fell so deeply into swordsmanship and the pursuit of strength that in trying to remove pain and fear from his life, he removed his humanity along with it.
And I like how it mirrors Yasuke, in a way. But instead of trying to shave away his humanity, Yasuke responded to tragedy by choosing to become a protector so that no one would need to be afraid in his presence and so he wouldn't lose anyone else ever again. He's fighting for Nobukatsu because he wants to see the Japan Nobukatsu will create, where peace is the law of the land and people can't be exploited like he and his family were. Good stuff. Excellent character writing. Simple, clean, and extremely effective.
I hope that Yasuke wins this one, but not for nothing, this match-up and particularly Togo's side of the match ended up a lot more interesting than I'd expected.