This is actually okay, especially for a Love Hina clone!
Kurage not being a complete tsundere gives me life. And Akagami, while a little too frequently over the top, can be hilarious as all hell yet his motivations are one that I can get behind - especially if you read this type of stuff. The two don’t make a bad match, actually, and their interactions are real nice. Kurage is pretty good with the few moments that she has, as well.
As for’s really weird.
I’m surprised at how much I still like Tsukuyo despite her initial introduction not being... the best. I blame her character design for this - she’s real attractive. Grand Blue artist does good work. She’s also managed to mellow out a bit rather quickly, though now she’s more of a tsundere than jsut a straight tsuntsun. She’s still got some of those extremely tired tropes. I do hope that she can continue to develop more, and sooner than later. Unlike most other archetypical tsunderes, I actually want to like her and root for her, even if she won’t win. I just need for her to show more dere, I guess, or at least what made her grow into more of an adult.
EDIT: Viewed the remaining raws for this, since I couldn’t wait.
I’m excited for Chapters 21, 22, and especially 23, as they all seem to address my concerns some. And the fourth girl that was introduced mellows out real quickly by Chapter 16 or so, and she honestly looks quite fun afterwards, so I’m really looking forward to reading this when it gets translated!