Tensei Akujo no Kuro Rekishi - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Death Flag 7

Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
Thank you so much for the mass releases ❤❤❤ you really made my day ❤❤❤
Active member
Jun 8, 2019
YOMIIIIIII PHEWWW sols so mf boring yomi has stolen my heart i love him so much
HIS LITTLE WOOF....... THIS IS SO TWISTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 1, 2020
bruh is gwinoford starting to like her or smth those blush lines keep appearing on his face lol
Oct 30, 2020
the one thing I love about this manga is how much content and detail there is despite it being shoujo. also r-18 seal? lmaooooo
Group Leader
Feb 14, 2018
I know Yomi is more interesting and popular, but he seems too obsessed with the old, evil Iana, and doesn't listen to the current Iana at all... Hence I see him more as a funny sidekick rather than a love interest. Sol, while a cliche character, actually cares for the current Iana, so I am on his ship instead. HOWEVER, I kinda wish the series explored more of his emotions and inner conflicts, because it's obvious he still places Konoha as top priority, and he is still extremely suspicious of Iana, even when he is falling in love with Iana. This inner conflict is great angst material but the manga doesn't explore it, haiz. It would make him a more complex character as well as a stronger male lead.

Also, I really want Konoha to be a bit more than a Mary Sue (even though that was her set up), and start to have a bigger role as an emotional support for Iana, rather than the cardboard cutout that she currently is. I know this is a reverse harem, but is it so hard for the only other major female character to have a personality at least?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Take responsibility? He literally ignored her while she was on the ground in order to run towards Konoha for several chapters now.
Mar 28, 2019
exactly! you took the words right out of my mouth!!! I hate how she’s always the second choice
and I hate Sol’s hypocrisy ugh
Active member
Apr 21, 2020
even though i said yomi is the only one worthy of iana he's still on thin ice too
all three guys annoy me; yomi and sol don't believe iana (yomi reeks of infantilizing iana, and we already know about sol), and gwinoford is one of those ppl who don't check how they act when they're in a committed relationship w/ someone already
although gwin i can tolerate slightly more if i approach it from the viewpoint that he and konoha are in a stable, healthy relationship and trust each other enough not to get jealous
but i also don't trust gwin to NOT be developing affection for iana, especially after this chapter
i'm really just hoping for some delicious character development for like, EVERYONE lol

contrary to popular opinion, i like the relationship w/ sol the best, but that's because the spicy ANGST and DRAMA are delicious
BUT: a) it's a bad sign that iana is SCARED of sol and suspects his every action
b) sol hasn't even started to be a DECENT HUMAN BEING to iana because he always overlooks iana in favor of konoha, and even though he turns his attention to iana's condition after the fact, she's always second priority (whereas idk a decent person would place equal importance on every person in their party? lookin at you, dance chapter)
c) it doesn't help that there's no signs he's even recognized this biased behavior in himself, which results in us being especially critical of him because he's unapologetically biased towards konoha
d) it also sucks (for me) that right now yomi is the best candidate for iana's partner out of all the male characters. i specifically avoid saying "he's the only one who deserves iana" because frankly, no one deserves the love of another person, even fictional. he's the best candidate because he's been more of a decent human being to iana than sol and gwin by actually paying attention to her and worrying about her first? but that's only the MINIMUM; he hasn't at all listened to what she's been telling him--it passes through his own filters so when she says, "stop! i don't hate konoha!" he hears, "help! i'm being brainwashed by konoha!" maybe he didn't realize it, but his actions were basically saying, "i don't think iana is capable of judging her own condition; she's clearly being mistreated and needs me to save her", which is why i say he's infantilizing iana

and this was really long discourse on a shoujo series that's frankly, not supposed to be the pinnacle of shoujo lol
Oct 3, 2020
I don't want Iana to end up with Sol; it's a start of an abusive relationship. He always runs after Konoha, happy playing third wheel while low-key verbally abusing our MC every time there's an incident. How many times does Iana has to prove herself before Sol stop being like that?

Also, there's no going back after he threatened Iana with that "I'm worse than a demon if Konoha gets hurt" statement (non-verbatim). NONE. Only death will absolve him. Also, Sol is a servant. An assassin, sure, but 90% of the time he's a butler. From a political and economic point of view, he's in last place.

I don't care if it's cliché but give the lady a powerful ML! An emperor from another kingdom! A loyal knight! I'm on Team Yomi until a better one comes along. And that Gwinny person should just go away. Eww.
Mar 20, 2020
So far still rooting for Sol and Iana because I don't find Yomi all that appealing. That said, the author could explore their relationship more since it has the potential to be really interesting. The assassin who fall in love with the 'villain' who is his target? a bit cliche maybe, but I like it. I feel like the author could explore the dilemma that Sol might have experienced. He was always devoted to Konoha and believed that Iana had ill intention for her but this new Iana challenged his beliefs and his feelings. Imagine a person as dedicated as Sol slowly falling in love with a person who used to want harm to befall upon Konoha. It makes a great emotional turmoil imo.

And i know that they both still don't trust each other (with good reasons), but i hope they eventually will haha.

But maybe I'm just thinking it too deeply lmao, I still like the manga as it is since I quite like the heroine (Iana) and it's pretty funny too.
Apr 14, 2019
All the characters still have half baked personalities. The male leads still need character build-ups to be deserving.

I just hate the fact of them having strong prejudices or bias against the mc.
Sol's and Gwin's adoration to Konoha seems shallow and baseless.
Nov 24, 2020
So far I'm happy with Iana being single. Yomi is too subservient and doesn't listen. It's adorable that he cares for Iana, but his obsession isn't love. Gwin is being weird confessing that he originally liked Iana, but then settled for Konoha. Um... what??? Sir??? It sounds like he'll rekindle his crush and cause a rift between the sisters. Lastly, Sol is annoying with how he covets his master's woman, but ALL OF A SUDDEN he cares about Iana too. Yeah, okay. Sure.

All men are trash, and I don't trust Konoha to not get jealous and instigate a misunderstanding about Iana because Gwin is an untrustworthy man.
Apr 22, 2020
Makes sense that Sol is probably the ML and in the start I was rooting for him the most, but him constantly ignoring Iana in favour in recent chapters of Kanoha doesn't paint him in good light. He doesn't have any right to feel bummed that she's closer to Yomi or the prince. I hope it's pointed out to him that at a time when she was possibly harmed (while trying to save them) Yomi was the only one who checked on her, as flawed as he definitely is.

As much as I was hoping that this wouldn't happen, Konoha seems sus too.

Finally, Gwinahsjsjford just comes through as super shallow lol. He's supposed to already have and be with the love of his life, why's he flirting with her sister now?

Discourse aside, thank you for the mass release! Looking forward to how this pans out.
Nov 11, 2020
I'm going to be in Team Yomi, the only guy who run to Iana when she's hurt/in trouble. Fck Sol and Gwin in that order lol.

But I'm guessing this manga is going to be cliché, and Yomi X Iana won't happen😩

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