Yeah, one could think that way, but, and here's the kicker, there's a very good chance that the person who wanted to remain anonymous killed the dragon for the towns sake, what do you think that person would do when someone comes into town, killing people and tries to strongarm his way into power?
He isn't killing people though? Only the [prejudice] obvious criminal kid [more prejudice] who was only a thief and hurting the city.
No, from the perspective of the dragonslayer, he only helped the town, taking control when it had suffered an emergency and [assumption] all leaders had left the rest to die. Even going so far as to secure the corpse to sell and use for the benefit of the city - going as far as instating himself as the leader to ensure everything is done rightly.
No, I was not saying that he is obviously making a
smart move. I were just trying to imagine whatever state of mind might cause him to take those actions at all, as the one I replied to wondered.

While he might realize that the slayer wants to stay secret, he does not stop to think that it might have been vigilantism instead of self-defense. (or so the story in my imaginary thought-process goes)