Tensei Goblin dakedo Shitsumon aru?

Oct 8, 2019
Corona-time, Christmas, New Years', and exams... All these have affected our staff (especially our translator)
We will release chapters soon (more than one of course)
Until then, please be patient and understanding.
Sep 9, 2020
MC design looked cool. Sadly, the plot turned out to be the usual unreadable isekai garbage. (No direction, erratic plot and dialouge, characters without any consistency or logical behavior, wanks off to giving the mc every OP power in existence that it does not do anything with.)
Aug 14, 2018
Don't agree. Although the MC has no objective, the massive power it has caused most of the conflict in the manga. Whenever we're reading, we always can expect this feeling of uneasiness while interacting with the humans because they are playing a game of power using politics and not necessarily battles. For an example, only now in the latest chapters the MC actually made some true human friends but with the arrival of the prince, the uncertainty of the political game arrives again. Well, at least that's just my take.
Nov 9, 2020
1st Chapter: Here we go again. Seen it a 100 times now buy let's give it a shot.

2nd Chapter:
Goblins will get the death penalty if they defend themselves and MC can talk his way into FLs pants in a few cringey dialogue's......So it's that kind of manga huh.

MC subdues all humans except FL...why? And FL still thinks that he isn't a threat.

Anyways, MC Accepts the stupid demands of FL. Becomes chief to get that plot armor nice and early.

Numerous Plot holes but for now, Note that the FL doesn't seem to know about goblin lifespan. We'll revisit this point in chapter 3.

Chapter 3:
In their infinite wisdom they welcome the goblin chief who could subdue their troops easily. And we are told that goblins, sentient beings with their own culture and free will, used to be humiliated, by making them human pets!?!

And FL now magically recalls that they don't do that anymore because goblins have a 7 day lifespan.

I have dropped it after midway of chapter 3 so feel free to tell me if it gets better or worse. To me tho, this was probably the worst attempt at World building I have seen in a while.
Jan 14, 2019
Damn i wanna crush OP MC's thick naive skull with my keyboard or the author's. Either would suffice but neither would soothe my frustration reading this.
Jun 30, 2018
To the people bitching about it being just "another Isekai", please just shut up and move on. Stop reading "Isekai" if you hate it so much.
It is propperly listed in Genre as Isekai, so you have no exause to still be here moaning about it.
Apr 4, 2019
@Sleepybunny I think what people mean by that is that it lacks any originalality. Or concepts done well.

People hate FairyTail because of the same reasons. Not because it’s just another Shounen.
Oct 17, 2020
This is almost identical to Reincarnated as a Slime. MC is overworked, goes out with a kouhai and his kouhai's gf, gets hit by truck, becomes weak character but wins the lottery of having a god-like monster give him powers.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2020
is this good? can anyone tell me which isekai is the same as this?
Sep 21, 2020
This manga is surprisingly political. The MC is logical, but thinks in a _very_ Japanese way. There's lots of subtle things. For example,
The human grandpa starts out pretending to be friends with the MC, but then fucks with the MC in the background. The grandpa is assuming (correctly) that the MC is also wearing a "pretending to be friends" mask, and he's trying to figure out if the MC is actually trustworthy underneath it all.

Grandpa is convinced when he scams the MC in a bet. The MC sees the scam and then pretends not to see it, even to the detriment of his village. The grandpa sees the MC pretending not to see it. He thinks the MC is sort of person who can let the small things slide and is willing to make deals. All according to the MC's keikaku (TN note: keikaku means plan).

The problem is that these subtleties are only barely outlined by the manga. If you don't give the manga a big benefit of the doubt and spend a lot of work filling the holes in yourself, the characters act completely illogically.

The whole "irregularly powered monster builds a village" trope feels very much like Re:Monster or TenSura. But, this MC doesn't build up huge power base and then let the humans deal with it. Rather, He engages with the humans while he is still weak, thus political junk. Actually this manga is most like the Shima Kousaku series, because of the japanese-style deal-making.

On top of this, the MC is genre savvy and makes weird decisions to avoid tropes. This is like if Sherlock Holmes was in a locked-room murder mystery with a dead rich guy and his son and daughter. At the start, the son totally looks like he did it, with inheritance as his motive. Then Holmes gradually uncovers clues which point to the twist villain: the daughter who murdered the rich guy and set up her brother to take the fall.

So, naturally, Holmes arrests the brother anyways because --- double twist --- the brother is genre savvy and disguised himself as the red herring while setting up his sister as the twist villain. The brother expected Holmes to also be genre savvy and look for a twist villain.

This is the level of shenanigans the MC is apparently working on. But he barely talks about it. At this point I can't tell if the manga is secretly brilliant or if I'm just making up stuff to compensate for plot holes and stupid characters. Thumbs down.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@fijil I mostly agree, except for thinking in a Japanese way.

Being able to take a loss in order to form a better relationship, especially when you’re the one who’s initiating it, is present pretty much everywhere. Regardless of nationality or race, and is present much more often than you think.

Granted, the majority of the people on Mangadex are nowhere near that age, or have experienced anything close, which will make them think the MC’s actions are illogical.

I don’t know. This manga gives me the feeling that the author is just using a pen name and has experience writing in other places and this manga was a random idea they sprawled on a post it note a while ago.

The author’s other stories are somewhat... worse than this one, the Holmes in me thinks there’s some Shakespearean conspiracy where the author is actually a group of people creating stories and submitting them under a single name.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 24, 2018
At first glance this just sounds like slime isekai: they both have op mc's who are office workers that die saving someone in the presence of a kouhai and his girlfriend who mourn over him as he dies, whose dying thoughts are taken as wishes and form the foundation of his abilities when he reincarnates into a weak monster in a medieval fantasy world, who becomes the leader of the goblin village and then works to make it into an independent state. Yet this series honestly feels way different to slime isekai, in both tone and focus. Slime was very battle oriented with brute force being the main tool used in most conflicts both martial and diplomatic, while in this series violence is rarely used as a diplomatic tool and the mc attempts to solve things through other means. Also slime's problem was that it had a million characters and all of them were completely flat and static, while this series has very few major characters but is so far doing a good job of making them at least somewhat nuanced and multifaceted. It's nothing amazing yet, but it has potential and is a lot more intelligently written than most isekais (which admittedly is saying almost nothing).

@fijil It's less Japanese way of thinking and more just a diplomatic one. Also honestly what you see as a problem, that the manga's subtleties aren't completely spelled out, I see as one of its strengths. It's a rare isekai that both has an author capable of subtle storytelling and respects their reader's intelligence enough to not have to spell everything out for them. And this is done well enough that it's not giving them the benefit of the doubt reading into it, you are just exercising proper reading comprehension. I would interpret some of the scenes a bit differently
for example the one where they gamble on the birds, I think you can read it both as Akira being aware of Simone's intent behind the act (sounding him out) since the old man specifically told him he uses gambling to judge a man's character, or as Akira's natural diplomatic skills keeping him from making a scene over something totally minor, or honestly both. However the interesting bit for me then was that the fact Akira DIDN'T get angry or make a scene even after noticing the cheat was what made Simone more wary of him than anything, which made Akira's savvy more detrimental than helpful.
However, the fact there even is room for interpretation puts this a step above a lot of the isekai you'll find.

@JustNatsuki Just out of curiosity, do you know what the average age of readers on this site is? Cause I'll definitely agree that the readership often gives me a vibe of immaturity and lacking in reading comprehension skills, but is there an actual statistic for it? And yeah I searched the author's name and was in shock over the other results. I've only even touched one of their other works, the Level 1 but Unique Skill one, and that series was one of the dumbest isekais I've ever seen, which is saying a lot. All the other series had descriptions that made them sound like total garbage as well, so this series doesn't even feel like it's from the same author. I'm with you in wondering if it's a different person writing under the same name, or if maybe they made enough trash that they finally learned how to make something good? (that might explain the mc of this series philosophy a bit actually)
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@ConstantErasing No, I don’t have an exact statistic specifically for this site. But I have a relatively strong general idea by way of association.

Subreddits like r/anime, r/manga, and a few others HAVE had actual statistics about their respective communities, and manga links from MangaDex get posted there really often.

There’s also the things people say: Ten years ago, when I was their age, I thought the same way they do now; it’s really easy to see the naiveté of your younger years present in minds of others.
Oct 21, 2019
Eh, lost its spark for me. was good at the beginning because it felt new, but now it feels like an overcooked stake. Its probably just me though

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