Tensei Gotoki De Nigerareru To Demo, Niisan? - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 9, 2018
... It makes no sense?

It was established that the Goddess could read into the life of the person in front of her to know what kind of "afterlife" said person would get.

Mc, having being suffering for the last half of his life, was "rewarded" with a good, loving, rich family.

If we follow that, then the contrary should have happened to his sister, she deserving to be reborn in a Goblin Slayer/Berseker type world where she would be f0ked for the rest of her life.

Why did she reborn in the same world as him and with the posibility of find him so fast? How is any mortal (even a yandere) more powerful that any God/Goddess?

The only answer is that the Goddess is evul and she prepared all that so he can keep suffering.

But if that is the case, why the world is not a sea of fire and every living human/humanoid there a broken, crying, hopeless creature?

Why being evil just to him personally?

The anwers I get (with what little info I have so far) is that the mangaka just wanted to said "look! My manga is all edgy and stuff", even if it doesnt make sense.

I will see a couple of chapters more and decide if this is sometime more than a edge fest.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
The obvious answers are that she's stronger than him and that either he's tried and failed, or he's too scared of her massacring far more people if he fails.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2020
@chieftanin Oh yeah...right...that did happen somewhere in that cacophony of depravity...I think I shut it out almost immediately. Instant Regression. Sounds like a DBZ move.
Sorry @jak,
there is incest, but (hopefully) one-sided.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2019
Here is a spoiler for you guys. Things get EXTREMELY UGLY. Where you might get phsycological issues if you keep reading this.
The MC, after suffering under his sister and managing to kill her after she killed everyone, becomes a Demon Lord in the latter chapters, out of his despair and frustration. He preserves the body of his true main romantic interest that was murdered by the sister, while confining and exterminating virtually every other women in the world for the fear that the woman might be his reincarnated sister. There's elements of space-time f*ckery as well as the sister managed to learn time-space magic to get him in a time loop (though it was indicated that she did get him in more than one time loop and became her slave, only for things to reset again and for his sister to take another woman's form repeatable, thus mc wiping out all females in the world and the goddess breaking her head trying to fix the situation but cant due to the cheats she gave the sister.)
Active member
Oct 5, 2018
So when both of them died at the same time, how comes that the sister is already 15 years old? How could she find him so fast and get this position? How did the goddes not prevent this from happening?
I guess there is only one answer: Because the author wanted it to happen, regardless of utterly devoid of logic the whole story is.
Bookmarked, can'tr wait to see how much dumber it gets.
Sep 23, 2019
This makes no fuckin sense. The goddess freakin knew about the MC past. Shouldnt she know about the psycho sister. Its set up that its the same goddess who sent her. This is fucking retarded. I was 80% sure the elf was the sister but even i didnt want to believe it was this stupid and that the MC actually will train and find his sister then they fight and he wins. Cliche but its way better than this shit.
Aggregator gang
Jul 5, 2020
It’s always amazing how these murderous girls are able to overpower and murder multiple people with whome they have a direct connection and the police never find anything lol
I think the author jumped too far ahead with her catching onto him so quickly, I guess this is just a recreation of misery from this point on?
Weird the goddess made this so damn easy for her?
Active member
Mar 4, 2020
@JuliusCV, reading your comment made me really hate how the goddess doesn't make any sense. Looks like I will drop this if the next chapter does not clarify the logic behind her actions.
Sep 27, 2018
She's past the point of being a yandere, it's basically a monster wearing human skin. The Goddess should have placed her in something similar to Goblin slayer's world
Active member
Sep 21, 2019
Why are the police unable to ever find the obvious mass murderer of the kid that should definitely be checked up on by someone
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
Um, was that supposed to be the disturbing stuff? I don't know, I've seen much much much much much worse.

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