That's the whole point of this manga. It's to drive those tropes to the extreme. And it's doing a pretty well job doing so, while still staying entertaining. Those typical isekai situations, that are happening all the time, and eat up time, they look like a hinderence to overcome, but in truth we can count on MC to overcome them and ace them all in the most ridicules way. Just look at all those cool (Chūnibyō-like) characters, organisations and monsters and none of them stand the trial of Yuji. I, for my part, do really like MC's personallity. Isekai at its best: As a form of parody.This story is pure every isekai anime trope ever.
It isn't in real swordfighting if you're up against a purely defensive/reactive fighter.His stance might look weird... his stance shouldn't be considered too unorthodox...
My dude, you're missing something incredibly important. The MC can ONLY EVER be as smart as the author. This is fact. Gun nut MC who knows every single (almost always Russian for some reason) firearm? The author is a gun nut who loves Russian firearms. MC who likes to exposition-vomit some hardcore politics all over a relatively peaceful isekai fantasy? The author loves politics.No, it's not the story that's the problem.... it's the trope. Like, why are authors so ashamed of OP MCs??? Why do they have to make their MCs so unnaturally stupid that they never realize that they are over powered beasts???
Like, he defeated a being that could destroy continents and STILL looks down on himself....
Maybe it's for the readers who feel worthless and wish that they were just dumb and that they are actually doing more amazing than they think or something???
I don't care about the harem... or the self centered ness...My dude, you're missing something incredibly important. The MC can ONLY EVER be as smart as the author. This is fact. Gun nut MC who knows every single (almost always Russian for some reason) firearm? The author is a gun nut who loves Russian firearms. MC who likes to exposition-vomit some hardcore politics all over a relatively peaceful isekai fantasy? The author loves politics.
The reason there are so many stupid, self-centered, harem-wishing, sadface, depressed, shamecuck MCs is because there are just as many stupid, self-centered, harem-wishing, sadface, depressed, shamecuck authors.
The baseball stance could probably pass off as a zornhut, which is a real martial arts stance. It's meant to deliver a powerful cut.His stance might look weird, but as a Genshin player, it reminds me of Diluc stance in his cover art (used to wind up his burst aka ultimate move).
That coupled with the way Yuuji cut down all those trees in one stroke in ch 12, his stance shouldn't be considered too unorthodox, if magic swordsmanship is a thing in this isekai, because who's to say your opponent can't slash beyond the range of his physical weapon?