Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life - Vol. 4 Ch. 12 - It Seems It Was Rather Cold and Dreadful

Double-page supporter
Jun 29, 2018
I think the villagers over exaggerated how much firewood they use because they have no clue about how to ration firewood.
They never had to survive the cold through firewood and seeing as they live right beside a forest, they are using as much as they want without knowing the consequences.
Double-page supporter
Aug 24, 2018
Just a random thought, are you sure that proud wolf are not actually scoobydo get isekai-ed .
Jan 28, 2018
@cor3zone did you live in a hot region (if so, how much degrees)? because even though they are in a "hot" region (the MC says in the last chapter the city is a warm climate, being a pleasant place to live. this doesn't sound like the people need to endure heat to the point houses don't need some form of heating) people didn't show enduring any amount of heat, so I assume it isn't so hot to need countermeasures like open places so people can endure the heat. with this in mind, they would need stoves to heat the house, at least at night. also, the people didn't have clothes for really hot weather (at least in chapter 11, where the place the MC buys the coat).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Algoz I live in Sweden, ranging from +30°C to -30°C. Last chapter, the shopkeeper in the neighbouring town also said "Normally it isn't cold at all" and "It's always a warm town". Meaning they don't have winters, or cold weather. MC mentioned it felt like 25°C in the neighbouring town, which is plenty warm to even allow having windows wide open during the night. Also, like you mentioned earlier, blankets are a thing. If it never drops below 0°C, no need to heat the house during the night.

Which makes the restaurant having a huge fireplace not meant for cooking pretty damn weird.🤨
Jan 28, 2018
why would they need a fireplace just to heating the place? i'm talking specifically to wood burning stoves used for cooking. i think only more rich people in the "medieval" setting most manga uses would even have a fireplace to heat the place.

if you read Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S Rank ni Natteta, it shows how a house in those times would more or less work, where they keep the fire from the stove burning the entire day (even more so because in the setting, it's a cold place where the MC lives), and they don't use a fireplace exclusive for heating. they use it for cooking, and it also heats the house at the same time.
Dec 29, 2018
According to this info I googled:

1 tonne Vintage Hardwood = 2 cubic metres (approx.)
1 average tree weigh about 14 tons

IMO, the stack MC chop down first time is about 2x2x2 m, which is somewhere about 1 tonnes.

So 5 tons is no where near "too much" , no ?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Algoz They don't need to heat the place at all, judging by what has been said about the climate in the region. Which makes having a fireplace like that utterly senseless. It's clearly not meant for cooking, check p.21 panel 3. Since they don't need heating they would also have pretty small cooking stoves like the restaurant, which should require a large stove merely for cooking capacity, has. Not enough to heat a house, since the houses aren't built for cold climate and thus not insulated. Any heat produced would escape easily without proper insulation.

You have to remember, the region normally has 25°C ambient temperature, with no cold weather. Things would just not be built for heating or retaining heat, like they would in places where the climate is cold. More likely they would be built to allow heat to pass through easily, to avoid houses becoming sweltering saunas when cooking.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 20, 2018
If I understood it correctly, this region shouldnt be this cold normally, but because of something it suddenly turned very cold.
The villagers house isn't prepared to support such cold so they are improvising in whatever way they can think of, like using fire like crazy ;p
But because its improvisation instead of being properly prepared, they waste a lot more than people who made their house expecting this to happen.
PS: @cor3zone explained exactly what I wanted in a better way ;p
Jan 28, 2018
@cor3zone and @Seink
this is what it doesn't make sense. I didn't remember the fireplace in the room of the old cook, but if the region is always warm, why the fuck would he even have one of those?
And sorry, even if the region is warm, I hardly believe the temperature remains constant during the entire year. I don't know what region is that city (tropics, closer to the north/south), but it's impossible that the temperature remains constant. The temperature where I live always changes from 30º to -5º Celsius (those being the maximum and minimum, the average being about 15º). even hotter regions in my country doesn't remain constantly at "warm" temperature. it always have at least some change during the year, and this change needs to have at least some preparation. missing firewood because a blizzard suddenly appeared without any kind of warning? I buy that. the houses don't have a fucking chimney because the region apparently is always warm (even though the old man of the restaurant has a fireplace for his room (probably with a chimney))? that starts to become kinda stupid.

PS: i'm not saying the manga is shit because of this. a lot of other manga are worse, even more if it involves the "supreme japanese rice" or whatever shit they think. if the problem of the city was only "missing firewood because of the sudden blizzard that never happened in the region" and "death by the unexpected cold", I wouldn't give two shits about it. the moment the houses don't have chimneys for their fucking cooking stoves and the bigger problem isn't dying from cold (at least, they didn't say anything about death from cold) but accumulation of carbon monoxide, it kinda breaks the story for me, because the people other than the MC are just too stupid to live without help.
I know this is probably just adaptation from a light novel/web novel, but it is that hard to at least expect a little bit more common sense from these things...?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Algoz I know the fireplace (and the evergreens in the background) doesn't make sense, which is why I pointed out the inconsistency. Everything being said by characters points to such things being illogical. It's stupid, but just 'art' and not actual 'story'.

I imagine the climate being somewhat like Greece, which has average temp ranging from ~7°C at the absolute coldest to ~34°C at the absolute hottest. Which would not require building to keep heat, or preparing for winter, since just putting on warmer clothes would do. They seem to be behind our tech by a few centuries, so consistent temp indoors would probably not be a thing for them.

In all fairness, the cooking stoves would probably have small chimneys (even though the art shows the smoke rising into the room😒), but would probably not be enough to heat the entire house. They don't have a lot of experience with smoke hazards, since they probably burn small amounts only for cooking, so they don't know the dangers. The people are panicking, and keep burning wood where they should not just to heat the house.

Imagine Greece, the land of sunny vacations, being hit by sub-zero temps and blizzards. It would be chaos.

Also, they didn't know about CO-poisoning. Any deaths were probably explained as being from the cold, so they thought that was way more dangerous than just breathing smoke.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
Maybe it's a tropical place? We from around the equator never have temp below 15 degrees celcius (well maybe lower if up in the mountains) lol, and 15 is already freezing for us because our body didn't built for changes in temp, at least for me, minimum I ever had was 16 degrees and maximum at 34

believe it or not, some houses here have fireplace... Without the chimney LMAO, it's mainly just for decorative purpose
The concept of chimney here is almost nonexistent, the poor people here (or the really old ones) still using firewood to cook inside their house, they just have a small window near the stove or inside the kitchen for the smokes

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