If you can't get your child's undivided attention for the duration of an explanation without laying hands on them it says a lot about you.
laying your hands on them? you're spanking once, stop being too soft as if you're dealing with fragile people who would break the moment you spank their butts with a slipper when they screw up something big at a certain age point and they do something worse you do it again, if that doesn't work you remove a prvilege like hours spent on playing games, the west doesn't do this to their kids at all unless their folks were already Asian or Latino, and they're pretty much fine.
why is it that its predominantly white people who end up that way and not the rest of the other races specifically in the states when we talk about school shooters?
and this is no diss to white people at all, I'd just like to know how come whenever a school shooter comes up and they all have access to guns, why is it never an asian with first degree immigrant parents or 2nd degree for that matter ? couldn't possibly be because of the very lax parenting now could it? see, if we go by your points EVERYONE has access to guns in the US, especially those in red states to my knowledge, isn't that in your ammendments thingy that people like throwing around? 2nd Ammendment or something
this is a pretty racist statement btw, are you saying that us Asians and Latinos are abusing our kids when we spank them when they do wrong?

also pretty malicious statement.
also assumes that everyone being spanked is spanked the wrong way and disciplined the wrong way and that, its the only method used and its used wrong. are you trying to say your people have the moral high ground when you couldn't even reduce the amount of school shooters and blame it all on "oh they own guns and you can get it easily"
we must be savages to you huh? for disciplining our kids the way we have. Oh heavens me asia must be filled with a bunch of angry kids at the world and their parents for being spanked and all of them must've been spanked wrong... unless you're living in racist land then sure, but the reality is that's not the case, stop living in a bubble and stop accusing people of being abusive towards their kids when they discipline, again there's right disciplining and wrong disciplining. the latter ends in wounds and scars and traumas your child will never heal from, the former teaches them that if you fuck around, do bad thing you will find out and i'd rather they find out the easy way in a way they can learn through the parent than others or the law dealing with them.
As for the reasons we have loads of gun violence, it's a combination of factors: easy access to guns, schools ignoring interpersonal problems until violence is seen as the only option, and stigmatizing and
i agree with these, tho i think the guns thing is more of the culture thing on the US side, it was bound to turn on its foot eventually especially since parents don't parent anymore, there's almost no punishment for a kid when they do wrong, same with the schools, the schools i think shouldn't enforce corporal punishment but interfere when there's smoke in the school between students, even then it doesn't answer why... there's only one group of people doing the shooting.
overpricing mental health care.
you think asia has mental health care programs that aren't over priced? my friends kid spent so much to help cure her kid suffering from anorexia and that wasn't because she was spanked or anything,
we still didn't end up as criminals, there's still a large majority of those here that hasn't taught their youth about mental health issues and none of those are because they got disciplined properly. there are cases where people's parents go overboard, we call those abusive parents not parents who discipline and even then its never as bad as it is in the US
this is one of those tell me that you don't know how other countries are doing without telling me you don't know how other countries are doing moments where an incredibly ignorant statement is said
It doesn't help that we have a pipeline of malinformation leading kids from slightly edgy rebellious to full on incels looking up to Elon Musk and listening to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan.
can't comment on these things, primarily because I don't really pay attention to who they are outside of what i hear here and there so its not enough to form any cohesive opinion on certain people, i'm gonna chalk it up to parents not educating their kids on who to follow... Which is still majorly a problem there, its coming here too don't get me wrong, globalization isn't really nice that way. Too many parents can't parent and this is something rapidly increasing globaly, but at the end of the day I'm still happy to say as an asian who lives in asia and grew up in asia, we still don't have crime rates in schools as bad as it is there in the west and a lot of us aren't as privileged as our western counterparts, with support for poor people, stipens by the government, etc. probably not something you can relate to