Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku: Jichou o Shiranai Kamigami no Shito - Vol. 12 Ch. 61

Jan 18, 2018
In the web novel, he even killed sometimes, but they censored that in the manga.
Gonna be hard to change that in the story going forward though (I mean it'll be hard for the manga to make him not kill certain people like he does in the novel in the story ahead). It's not like it's uncommon for publications and shows/movies to adjust the content to fit as broad of an age demographic as possible, without being limited by a country's regulations for appropriate content. But it's a real shame when it's done on adapted work instead of original work.
May 25, 2019
Gonna be hard to change that in the story going forward though (I mean it'll be hard for the manga to make him not kill certain people like he does in the novel in the story ahead). It's not like it's uncommon for publications and shows/movies to adjust the content to fit as broad of an age demographic as possible, without being limited by a country's regulations for appropriate content. But it's a real shame when it's done on adapted work instead of original work.
I can see them changing it so that the MC does not kill them but they die off screen or perhaps just never show up again as they learned their lesson or some hand wave like that.
but def wanted to see how the story would have been if it kept up with the LN as I can see the story being more grim and has a rather appropriate response to such strong tones. And this softer version of the story is getting repetitive as you can see.
Jan 18, 2018
I can see them changing it so that the MC does not kill them but they die off screen or perhaps just never show up again as they learned their lesson or some hand wave like that.
I wonder, but it's definitely gonna be hard to change the
talking head
and the next thing later on which I won't go into details about, since they need to die for it to happen like that.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
If you can't get your child's undivided attention for the duration of an explanation without laying hands on them it says a lot about you.
laying your hands on them? you're spanking once, stop being too soft as if you're dealing with fragile people who would break the moment you spank their butts with a slipper when they screw up something big at a certain age point and they do something worse you do it again, if that doesn't work you remove a prvilege like hours spent on playing games, the west doesn't do this to their kids at all unless their folks were already Asian or Latino, and they're pretty much fine.
why is it that its predominantly white people who end up that way and not the rest of the other races specifically in the states when we talk about school shooters?
and this is no diss to white people at all, I'd just like to know how come whenever a school shooter comes up and they all have access to guns, why is it never an asian with first degree immigrant parents or 2nd degree for that matter ? couldn't possibly be because of the very lax parenting now could it? see, if we go by your points EVERYONE has access to guns in the US, especially those in red states to my knowledge, isn't that in your ammendments thingy that people like throwing around? 2nd Ammendment or something

this is a pretty racist statement btw, are you saying that us Asians and Latinos are abusing our kids when we spank them when they do wrong? :dogewow:
also pretty malicious statement.
also assumes that everyone being spanked is spanked the wrong way and disciplined the wrong way and that, its the only method used and its used wrong. are you trying to say your people have the moral high ground when you couldn't even reduce the amount of school shooters and blame it all on "oh they own guns and you can get it easily"

we must be savages to you huh? for disciplining our kids the way we have. Oh heavens me asia must be filled with a bunch of angry kids at the world and their parents for being spanked and all of them must've been spanked wrong... unless you're living in racist land then sure, but the reality is that's not the case, stop living in a bubble and stop accusing people of being abusive towards their kids when they discipline, again there's right disciplining and wrong disciplining. the latter ends in wounds and scars and traumas your child will never heal from, the former teaches them that if you fuck around, do bad thing you will find out and i'd rather they find out the easy way in a way they can learn through the parent than others or the law dealing with them.
As for the reasons we have loads of gun violence, it's a combination of factors: easy access to guns, schools ignoring interpersonal problems until violence is seen as the only option, and stigmatizing and
i agree with these, tho i think the guns thing is more of the culture thing on the US side, it was bound to turn on its foot eventually especially since parents don't parent anymore, there's almost no punishment for a kid when they do wrong, same with the schools, the schools i think shouldn't enforce corporal punishment but interfere when there's smoke in the school between students, even then it doesn't answer why... there's only one group of people doing the shooting. :pepehmm:
overpricing mental health care.
you think asia has mental health care programs that aren't over priced? my friends kid spent so much to help cure her kid suffering from anorexia and that wasn't because she was spanked or anything,
we still didn't end up as criminals, there's still a large majority of those here that hasn't taught their youth about mental health issues and none of those are because they got disciplined properly. there are cases where people's parents go overboard, we call those abusive parents not parents who discipline and even then its never as bad as it is in the US
this is one of those tell me that you don't know how other countries are doing without telling me you don't know how other countries are doing moments where an incredibly ignorant statement is said
It doesn't help that we have a pipeline of malinformation leading kids from slightly edgy rebellious to full on incels looking up to Elon Musk and listening to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan.
can't comment on these things, primarily because I don't really pay attention to who they are outside of what i hear here and there so its not enough to form any cohesive opinion on certain people, i'm gonna chalk it up to parents not educating their kids on who to follow... Which is still majorly a problem there, its coming here too don't get me wrong, globalization isn't really nice that way. Too many parents can't parent and this is something rapidly increasing globaly, but at the end of the day I'm still happy to say as an asian who lives in asia and grew up in asia, we still don't have crime rates in schools as bad as it is there in the west and a lot of us aren't as privileged as our western counterparts, with support for poor people, stipens by the government, etc. probably not something you can relate to
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
That's a gross oversimplification that misses a lot of things. IMO, the gentle parenting style leads to entitled kids that can't handle hard work and disappointment but generally doesn't lead to school violence among other things.
it is, this is a comments section about a manga discussing what counts as "abuse towards kids" and if a slap counts towards that, i wouldn't pull up studies or anything for that, no need to, we should just look at what has been done in society
Neglect, abuse, and bullying are what leads to school violence.
bullying exists everywhere, but it never comes out as bad as it does in the US tbh, I'll have to agree with others when they call it a "special case" because that's partially true, they fucked up so bad in disciplining their kids that they couldn't be controlled to do the basic things like not be violent towards the world and none of the stated reasons are in any way to justify the crap students have to go through from these people, not saying you're trying to justify it but even if you include abuse into the mix how often do you see school related crimes in say Asia that are as bad as the ones in the states? are there abusive parents here? yes they're pressent in Latin America too, but with that logic wouldn't the school related violence be bad if not worse? i mean we are talking about children who were abused here
There is a small correlation between gentle parenting and being bullies but it's not a major factor. Neglect and abuse are caused by socio-economic factors and parents that view their kids as a nuisance rather than someone to nurture and grow. No amount of changing parenting style will make up for the lack of love for one's kid.
okay this one I 100% agree with
As for why this happens, the reasons are many. Poor people tend to have less education and access to contraception.
this isn't on poor people tho, I have friends who were poor growing up, I can't speak for others but this isn't an issue that's primarily because poor people don't know any better, they're living better lives now despite their financial status in life before so how wealthy you are is really not a factor as to why people show lack of love for a kid or why people end up as criminals.
neither is the access to contraception a reason, i still don't see how both are factors as to why the US in particular sucks so much at raising kids properly to not end up that way
There are also people who deliberately have more kids to abuse the welfare system.
there are no wellfare systems that support parents as well as the US does, if anything western countries are spoiled with that but you still see trends like those on tiktok which are outright displaying crime being a thing for a lot of their youth, that one isn't even just a US thing at that point
Some have kids to have the public appearance of having an ideal family. It's a complicated matter, not just "Oh, parenting is to blame."
i do think its mostly parenting, I'm just gonna go on with what i see, none of the people you see hoping into dumb trends turn out to be asians or latinos or anyone with decent parents who regardless of financial status, still brought up their kids properly. I would say, it is predominantly the parents fault why your kids fuck up and do fuck up things, they wouldn't if you properly talked to them and if they felt like they could talk to you
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
No, he/she states it quite clearly here:

Any form of directly inflicting pain is seen as violence and abuse by him/her. Indirectly inflicting pain, such as being made to run, is not violence but still a physical punishment in nature. There is no misunderstanding here, just a clear difference of opinion.
So you really are ignorant. They also clearly state here that English is not their first language. So calling that untrue is just stupid. No one is talking about whether or not you have differing opinions. The misunderstandings are the details and reasoning that are being conveyed. If you can't read that and realize that it's pointless to have an argument over something like this when the other person can't 100% understand the words that you use then you were never qualified to participate.

This isn't about whether or not he agrees with you this is about whether or not it was even possible for either side to convey their point clearly to the other in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
If you can't get your child's undivided attention for the duration of an explanation without laying hands on them it says a lot about you. As for the reasons we have loads of gun violence, it's a combination of factors: easy access to guns, schools ignoring interpersonal problems until violence is seen as the only option, and stigmatizing and overpricing mental health care. It doesn't help that we have a pipeline of malinformation leading kids from slightly edgy rebellious to full on incels looking up to Elon Musk and listening to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan.
This is actually a very emotionally stunted response. You are assuming that your child WILL listen without some sort of pain response, Plenty do not and it is beyond just a little taxing to raise a child that realizes there will be no consequences that they care about for their bad behavior. And the discipline isn't to get them to "pay attention" it's to get them to associate the misbehavior with something negative, while also making them REMEBER the explanation.

It's also very irresponsible to raise a child with the idea that no matter what no one is gonna hit them. That's not me saying that it's right for people out there to resort to violence, but any sane person knows that there are people that will. You think that "What you hit me!? Not even my daddy hits me" response is just in media? No it's actually real and I in real life have seen people end up in hospital because they think that they can do whatever they want and they'll just get a talking to.

You also need to realize the people saying physical punishment is not bad are not saying physical punishment can never be bad. There are levels and lines you shouldn't cross. Also physical punishment is not always the answer. It is a tool, that can be beneficial or can be a weapon if misused. It's immature to make sweeping generalizations about a multifaceted and nuanced thing like parenting and saying "This is the method that works" and to act like there are no other methods and tools.

Also don't group Elon Peterson and Rogan together they are all very different people with very different views. Lumping them together shows your bias and your own ill informed standing on their positions. It's like the people whining saying "The Constitution calls Native Americans savages." Which it never does.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2023
Having a warning for fictional child abuse is kinda weird? But I guess it's not hurting anyone.
consider what going to happen to that child latter. wait fuck that it not what happen to that child latter. the series just have noble kidnapped children, why the hell think slap child is the problem that need a warning.
oh yeah the kid
got turn into work slave
after his papa got kick shit in
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
Since you like context so much, that part about the apology was just about going to war or not. As in, if a noble in a country attacks/orchestrates an attack (or in this case, guilty by association due to his son) against a noble (in this case a higher noble) of a different country, then it would be possible for a war to begin from that. They talk about it in this manga chapter, and in the WN as well, that it's what it can lead up to.
Cain accepting his apology, even with that small "promise", was just about preventing war. As for the matter of the incident itself, it's still going to be tried at their parliament, where this manga chapter has already made it clear that he (the father) will lose his status and be forced to pay a reparation fee.

Or another way to put it is that the apology stuff was just about the diplomatic matter, and of course Cain wouldn't want it to escalate to war. The legal matter of how it broke the republic's laws will still be tried as is at their parliament, where the chapter has already made clear that he'll lose his status and be forced to pay a reparation fee.
doesn't that kinda make it worse?

after all, this means this does not affect just them, but is an actual diplomatic incident. a diplomatic incident being brushed aside because the guilty party promised to not do it again.

This is actually a very emotionally stunted response. You are assuming that your child WILL listen without some sort of pain response, Plenty do not and it is beyond just a little taxing to raise a child that realizes there will be no consequences that they care about for their bad behavior. And the discipline isn't to get them to "pay attention" it's to get them to associate the misbehavior with something negative, while also making them REMEBER the explanation.

It's also very irresponsible to raise a child with the idea that no matter what no one is gonna hit them. That's not me saying that it's right for people out there to resort to violence, but any sane person knows that there are people that will. You think that "What you hit me!? Not even my daddy hits me" response is just in media? No it's actually real and I in real life have seen people end up in hospital because they think that they can do whatever they want and they'll just get a talking to.

You also need to realize the people saying physical punishment is not bad are not saying physical punishment can never be bad. There are levels and lines you shouldn't cross. Also physical punishment is not always the answer. It is a tool, that can be beneficial or can be a weapon if misused. It's immature to make sweeping generalizations about a multifaceted and nuanced thing like parenting and saying "This is the method that works" and to act like there are no other methods and tools.

Also don't group Elon Peterson and Rogan together they are all very different people with very different views. Lumping them together shows your bias and your own ill informed standing on their positions. It's like the people whining saying "The Constitution calls Native Americans savages." Which it never does.
Also, I'm trying to stay focused on the target of the chapter and not on child-raising, but...

Every point given about "proper punishments" like being grounded or making them run laps approach this from the point of view the child would simply obey and do/take that punishment. and that if they do not, you are not someone good enough to be a parent.
How would you get someone that refuses to take a punishment, to take a punishment?

They also approach this with the idea that, if you spank your child once, you'll do it for every punishment. Instead of just for big things or as the last line.

My father only spanked me once. Once.
It was a time I myself was acting spoiled, and refused to take any warnings or threats of other punishments.
Never again. Never needed again, I took to heart that even he had limits and I had pushed past them.

Did it make me fear him hitting me again? No.
It made me respect him more, though. Not for fear of being spanked again, but gave me a proper view that not everything I did would not have consequences.

By the way,
It's also very irresponsible to raise a child with the idea that no matter what no one is gonna hit them. That's not me saying that it's right for people out there to resort to violence, but any sane person knows that there are people that will.
This reminds me of a quote by Mike Tyson that applies a lot to many people currently mainly on twitter:

"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."
Mar 10, 2018
In the web novel, he even killed sometimes, but they censored that in the manga.
Eh, not surprised, often manga adaptions are watered down (like Mushoku Tensei) but what a waste, story would have benefit much more with mature content.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
So you really are ignorant. They also clearly state here that English is not their first language. So calling that untrue is just stupid. No one is talking about whether or not you have differing opinions. The misunderstandings are the details and reasoning that are being conveyed. If you can't read that and realize that it's pointless to have an argument over something like this when the other person can't 100% understand the words that you use then you were never qualified to participate.

This isn't about whether or not he agrees with you this is about whether or not it was even possible for either side to convey their point clearly to the other in the first place.
Dude, you are the one that's delusional when you're asserting a clear cut statement is a "misunderstanding." Are you dumb enough that you will assume that everyone that disagrees with you is just misunderstanding your position?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Dude, you are the one that's delusional when you're asserting a clear cut statement is a "misunderstanding." Are you dumb enough that you will assume that everyone that disagrees with you is just misunderstanding your position?
I did not assert a clear cut statement as a misunderstanding. Actually read what I said. Never once did I say their stances were a misunderstanding. I actually clearly said they were on sperate sides and clarified in a response specifically to you as well that they were indeed on separate sides of the issue.

None of that is what the misunderstanding is. Go back and actually read my post, and the other two's post. Don't read them to try to 'win' read them to understand. And anyone with an elementary school education will see that there is a lot of information being lost.

Heck even the person arguing with him realized it when told. Yet here you are sitting in the back going "Nah nothing is being misunderstood" because your grasp on the actual problem is so immature that you think all that matters is what side someone is on. That's how we got into this stupid state of society in the first place, people only caring about "Who is on what side" and not about the details and the actual discussion.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
I did not assert a clear cut statement as a misunderstanding. Actually read what I said. Never once did I say their stances were a misunderstanding. I actually clearly said they were on sperate sides and clarified in a response specifically to you as well that they were indeed on separate sides of the issue.

None of that is what the misunderstanding is. Go back and actually read my post, and the other two's post. Don't read them to try to 'win' read them to understand. And anyone with an elementary school education will see that there is a lot of information being lost.

Heck even the person arguing with him realized it when told. Yet here you are sitting in the back going "Nah nothing is being misunderstood" because your grasp on the actual problem is so immature that you think all that matters is what side someone is on. That's how we got into this stupid state of society in the first place, people only caring about "Who is on what side" and not about the details and the actual discussion.
Your usage of the word misunderstanding is incorrect in this context. You also have a delusional understanding of what taking sides mean.

There is no misunderstanding because we understand what our positions are. Just because I understand what his viewpoint is and why does not mean I have to agree with it and vice versa. Using the correct words to describe the situation matter and claiming that our disagreement is a "misunderstanding" is doing us a disservice.

As for the matter of taking sides and not coming to a mutual agreement, that only matters when mutual action is needed, i.e. laws and policy. This is where we absolutely have a problem in the US where neither side wants to compromise on anything. This does not matter in an online debate between individuals where the primary purpose is to express a viewpoint and explain why one has that viewpoint. Whether or not the individuals takes anything away from the debate, whether it's greater knowledge or changed perception, is not a necessary outcome of the debate.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Your usage of the word misunderstanding is incorrect in this context. You also have a delusional understanding of what taking sides mean.

There is no misunderstanding because we understand what our positions are. Just because I understand what his viewpoint is and why does not mean I have to agree with it and vice versa. Using the correct words to describe the situation matter and claiming that our disagreement is a "misunderstanding" is doing us a disservice.

As for the matter of taking sides and not coming to a mutual agreement, that only matters when mutual action is needed, i.e. laws and policy. This is where we absolutely have a problem in the US where neither side wants to compromise on anything. This does not matter in an online debate between individuals where the primary purpose is to express a viewpoint and explain why one has that viewpoint. Whether or not the individuals takes anything away from the debate, whether it's greater knowledge or changed perception, is not a necessary outcome of the debate.
Are you mentally deficient? For the at least THIRD time. We are not talking about a misunderstanding of positions. We are talking about a misunderstanding of details and explanations.

I will say nothing else in this post because until you understand that you are not worth talking to. And it seems your mental capacity can't do more than grab a few sentences at once.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I don't have any of cain's temper. Would break the father, his son, his escort and the head guild kneecaps from the last chapter
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
This is actually a very emotionally stunted response. You are assuming that your child WILL listen without some sort of pain response, Plenty do not and it is beyond just a little taxing to raise a child that realizes there will be no consequences that they care about for their bad behavior. And the discipline isn't to get them to "pay attention" it's to get them to associate the misbehavior with something negative, while also making them REMEBER the explanation.

It's also very irresponsible to raise a child with the idea that no matter what no one is gonna hit them. That's not me saying that it's right for people out there to resort to violence, but any sane person knows that there are people that will. You think that "What you hit me!? Not even my daddy hits me" response is just in media? No it's actually real and I in real life have seen people end up in hospital because they think that they can do whatever they want and they'll just get a talking to.

You also need to realize the people saying physical punishment is not bad are not saying physical punishment can never be bad. There are levels and lines you shouldn't cross. Also physical punishment is not always the answer. It is a tool, that can be beneficial or can be a weapon if misused. It's immature to make sweeping generalizations about a multifaceted and nuanced thing like parenting and saying "This is the method that works" and to act like there are no other methods and tools.

Also don't group Elon Peterson and Rogan together they are all very different people with very different views. Lumping them together shows your bias and your own ill informed standing on their positions. It's like the people whining saying "The Constitution calls Native Americans savages." Which it never does.
very beautiful response

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