The only good thing about this Isekai is the slightly above average art. This story is utter trash/wish-fulfillment garbage. The GODS sent a TEENAGER into this fantasy world in hopes that he will improve the technology and fix poverty. So far he's done nothing but show off his skills while spouting nonsense like "Oh my! Was
SLAYING A SS DRAGON something a 10 YEAR OLD couldn't normally do?!?!??! I DIDN'T MEAN TO DECORATE MY
MANSION WITH ITS STUFFED DRAGON CORPSE?!?!??!" or "Here are some magic bags to store items, I don't want you to say I have NO COMMON SENSE so I only made them 30 M
3" then the girls respond "MC you do know that 2 M
It's not hard to have a better plot. Instead of sending a teenager to send a dying scientist or politician. Instead of having him reborn as a noble, have him be reborn as someone in poverty in some random village. Instead of giving him god-level powers with no room for growth, give him non-combat related skills to help develop the world. Instead of a harem, have him develop true friendships with people of all ages and both sexes. Instead of showing off his skills every damn chapter, let's focus on IMPROVING THE WORLD.

R: GARBAGE PLOT + OK art = Garbage isekai. God sent MC (who's was a teenager) to improve the world's technology and help the impoverish. So far MC has successfully shown off his broken skills while pretending to hide it, he's done ZERO for the poor, he's introduced new FOODS and a BIDET to ONLY THE NOBELS after 10 YEARS IN THE NEW WORLD. The author needs to change the plot to "We are the gods of this world, here are god level powers, please have fun and stop pretending to hide your powers if you're going to show them off EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER you dumb teenager."