I just see him throwing a hundred of these at full strength over the course of a week and then shotgunning them all at once to impale the big badUsing the storage skill like the infinite portal trick, pretty schnasty.
Since objects seems to "store" their momentum wonder if he'll pull a fucking Gates of Babylon sometime later
best hope is she quits adventuring and goes to life a quiet life in some farmtown. Or maybe they just put her in charge of their daily choresI can't imagine the other carrier getting adopted to this team seeing that the MC fills her role and then some, so I'm curious to see what happens with her. The novel was brutal enough that I'd assume she's doomed but the Manga seems to be setting a different tone for the story.
That's pretty tragic.This is def a top 3 fantasy series for me
This means that either the Mangaka delays her development or skipping it so the next 2-3 chapter we'll get to see MC and Scarlett banging like actors on best seller p**n videoScarlett's cloth trick was something that happened later originally, and Sei was really impressed with her ingenuity, which was a sign of him developing feelings for her.