an info like this is definitely a surprise but a welcome one lol
tbh i was under the impression that cloud's(from ff7) and guts's(from berserk) sword is called bastard sword and swords like william wallace's(from braveheart) are called long sword so that's why i said it like that considering the term bastard sword and long sword are used hand-in-hand like in games but to think that the unique difference is the sword's handle and not the blade's width honestly blew my mind lmao
Yeah the terms get thrown around a lot especially in fiction. Terms like longsword, bastard sword and broadsword are constantly misused to a crazy degree. There is also a lot of inconsistencies in how some of the terms have been used historically. Nowadays we have generally more or less settled on what each of the terms means but it can still get messy since it's a mix of classical uses and terms as well as modern classifications and terms. It's not that odd to see even historians argue about the specifics
In Berserk the Dragon Slayer sword he uses is supposed to be a greatsword but it's way to wide and exaggerated for a human to realistically use it in the way you would actually use one.
Cloud's Buster sword is referred to as two-handed broadsword but in real life broadswords were one-handed, generally double edged and had basket hilts or hand-guards (they were also called basket swords for it). It's also insanely oversized. Again it's hard to think of an honestly accurate classification for it since you wouldn't actually find something in the real world comparable in size and style.
The sword in Braveheart by the way is a two-handed claymore. Another confusing and often misused term because there are both two-handed claymores (basically a Scottish greatsword) but also one-handed claymores which were shorter swords with wide blades and basket hilts which actually makes them broadswords. lol