Shima Kosaku is a popular manga in Japan, which focuses on the life of an average office worker as he gradually climbs up the career ladder. Here, instead of the MC reincarnating as a slime, he reincarnates as Shima Kosaku early on in the manga.
Think of it like that manga where a guy dies and is reincarnated as Yamcha.
I like how they took everything that made Slime-san popular and flushed that shit down the drain, just to make the same generic office worker manga as the source it's parodying. It's no different if they gave the MC of the other series amnesia.
You know, this might have been fine as it's own story. I don't see the point of using the same opening as slime, unless it becomes plot relevant later? Eh, might end up decent, won't judge too early
For any discredit towards me for not reading [young shima kousaku], I would believe that this is just a cut and paste of both and edited to make a plot.
@OnDeuTri You're almost correct. It's a mix of ch.5/6 from [Kachou Shima Kosaku] and ch.1 from [Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken]. Some pages are recycled from [Tensura] with new speech-bubbles but most pages are newly drawn by both Hirokana-sensei and Kawakami-sensei (on the "Last Part" chapter).
@brightamethyst it’s already a thing, there’s a manga about a guy driving a around running school kids over to get them isekai and there’s also some novel on royal road about a truck running around a fantasy world reverse isekai-in everything it runs over